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really short oneshot: Tadashi Hamada x Reader

Teddy. That's what you called Tadashi Hamada. And it was a fitting nickname for him. The way he laughed, he smile, the way he cheers you up, he's cute, charming - and that puppy eyes you couldn't resist. Yes, he was a teddy. He was your Teddy. 

Holding his hand, both of you were walking around the mall. It was a free day away from your jobs for the both of you and you guys decide to spend it together.  

Being in a relationship with Teddy for two years now. You had your fair share of fights and struggles, you made him mad, he made you mad - but both of you would work it out in the end. This might be the real thing. You told yourself that a lot of times whenever you were with him. You felt content, safe and at ease. And that made you really happy.

"(Y/N), wait here," he said as he let you sit on the bench as he went to buy ice cream. After a minute he sat beside you and put an arm around your shoulder and you leaned your head on him. 

He handed you your cone of ice cream, "Thank you, Teddy." You pecked on his cheeks and that made him blush and smile. He stared at your (E/C) eyes then tucked the stray strands of (H/C) hair.

"Have I told you how much beautiful you are today, (Y/N)?" It was your turn to blush. Even after all the time you guys have been  together, being with him always feels like the first date. 

He intertwined your hands together and just sighed happily. He was content as you are, and twice as much as happy. Should he ask you now? Is it the right time? Tadashi was calm on the outside, but inside he was nervous. After finishing his ice cream he placed his hand inside his pocket and held the tiny velvet box inside.

You noticed his mood shift and stared up to him, you too were done with your ice cream. You held his hand tighter. "Teddy? What's wrong?"

"(Y/N), I have something to say" he said with a shaky voice. He took in a big breath and stood up, never letting your hand go. He then turned around and went down on one knee. His hands were beginning to grow cold.

Wait. Could this be? Your heart went faster and faster.

"(Y/N) (L/N), I know this is sudden and I haven't prepared a fancy dinner or anything but I want you to know that I want to spend my whole life with you, I want to tell you that I love these kinds of moments that we share together, the ones where we are comfortable with each other." He exhaled as he tensed up while looking down and his face burning red.

"I-I can't promise you anything grand, but I can promise you with everything that I can. I can't promise you any riches, but that I can offer you is my heart." He then looked up to you and paused. He tried to open his mouth again but he was lost.

"And- and- goddammit, I prepared this perfect speech and everything and God, (Y/N), looking into your eyes could just scramble up everything in my mind, I am really nervous right now." He covered his face with a free hand while still holding yours tightly.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," He said again. You will forever remember how he said your name today.

"(Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?" 

Tears started to cloud your eyes and you could feel a lump forming in your throat. 

"Teddy, I..."


I'll leave it at that :) it's up to you guys whether you say no or yes :'>

Sorry if this is no good, i'll really make it up next time :( School has been really mean to me, but don't worry, finals is coming and then i won't have any classes soon so I can write write write. :D

suggestions and requests are very much appreciated :)

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