Last Chance

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It was days since you last saw Tadashi Hamada. But you can't get him off your mind, no matter what you do.
He's like a parasite, eating away your precious brain. A virus that overloads your mind of him.

You dubbed this as the "Charismatic boy effect". Sure, he was tall, and handsome as hell. But he was bad news!

But he probably does it soo well.

Brain. You're not helping.

It's his charisma. And appeal. He's like a politician promising things that you would like and agree with. But once they win they'll just leave you in the air along with your hopes and dreams. And a severely broken heart.

Okay, so you never really had a breakup before, and you seriously lack in experience. But you never really want one. You just don't want to feel that... Burden.

You sighed, straightened your back. All this thinking won't help me. Freaking flirt.
"Focus, (Y/N), it's work mode."

You picked up your phone to look at the address of your client. Turning another turn and heading straight up you saw the Lucky Cat Café your client told you about. The owner of the café wanted you to take pictures of their products to put on their website and ads.

You went inside the café and you heard the bells resonate.
"Hello there! Come in, come in. I'm Cass, the owner of this café." You were greeted by an attractive woman who had short hair and a black shirt and jeans on. So this must be CassH., you pondered as you glanced to your phone and then kept it in your purse.

"I'm (Y/N) it's a pleasure to meet you,"

They both sat down on a table to discuss, not many customers were around at that time since it was too early in the morning.

"So I followed your advice, I fed Mochi so he's gonna be full and won't eat the fake sweets I made for this shoot and she won't move around that much." Cass said as she lifted up her cat.

"She would make a great model," you said as you reach out to pet the cat's head.

"Also, I want you to include a shot inside and outside the café." She said while smiling and further discussing what she wanted the shots to look like.

Then you heard footsteps coming from upstairs going down.

"I can't find Mochi's hat, A--,"

That voice was familiar. You turned around and saw the one and only Tadashi Hamada. And not only that, you saw a shirtless Tadashi Hamada. A bed head shirtless Tadashi Hamada.

"What are you doing here?" you blurted out.

Tadashi didn't look like himself now, gone was the cocky playful face, it was replaced by a face of... Shame?

He scratched his nape and looked down to the floor. "I live here," he said quietly then went back to his room.

Wait, CassH? H as in Hamada? He was married?
He kept on flirting with you, and he was married?

Your blood was boiling now. You swore this would be the last time you met Tadashi Hamada.

"Oh, so you guys know each other?"

"We just happened to meet in the park, " you snapped. Almost angrily.

You wanted to leave right there and then but you were already paid half and you needed the money too.

Well, you just have to get this over with and fast.


"I'm so sorry, (Y/N) I didn't know it would rain." Cass said apologetically as she gave you (favorite dessert) and (favorite drink).
"That's on the house."

"That's okay Ma'am, only the outdoor shots are left anyway" and as much as you hate it. "I can come back tomorrow."

You already packed your equipment and you got your phone out so you could book a taxi to home.

You took a bite of the sweet dessert. Not bad. This is actually good. Too bad I'm not coming back here again.

Cass attended to the other customers who were pouring in the café and wanted a cup of coffee or good hot chocolate and some pastries to pair it with. The place smells so good. Too bad indeed.

Just then you saw Tadashi attending to the costumers as well. He was going to approach your table but thankfully your phone notified you that your ride has already arrived. Hurriedly, you got up and grabbed your bags as you went outside to your taxi.

As soon as you shut the door you saw the one person in the whole world you didn't want to see right now. He went inside the taxi and made you scoot over.

"What the hell Hamada?"

"Hello princess," he smiled at you as if nothing was wrong.

"Where are we going ma'am?...and uh, sir?"

"(your home)"

"To the theaters, please."


Okay, that's it.

"What are you doing Hamada, shouldn't you be there. In your home. With your wife? " I snapped at him, pushing him to the other side of the seat to put a lot of space between us.

"Wife? You mean Aunt Cass?"

"Wait. What?"

Then it clicked, he did say his aunt owned a café. You didn't expect her to look so young.

Tadashi covered his mouth trying to contain his laughter and you were blushing. Your face was as red as a tomato.

The taxi driver cleared his throat. "So where to? "

"The theaters, sir."

You didn't say a word and you looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with the still giggling Hamada.

"You..haha.. Thought.. Ahahaha"

Tadashi couldn't make a sentence and he was clutching his stomach.

"Well, you were embarrassed with me back at the café." you mumbled as you were still looking down.

"Well, who wouldn't be? I didn't want to destroy your impression of me. I do want to take you on a date, you know."

You looked at him with wide eyes.

"So is that a yes? "

"You idiot," you sighed and shook your head.

He winked at you and smirked, "I know you like me."

"No, I don't know that."

"(Y/N), please? Give me a chance. This date. You won't hate me after this, I swear."

"I don't... Hate you." you mumbled.
"Alright, you agreed. Just one chance. Your last chance after all the heart attack you put me through."

Tadashi beamed. "I always liked you, you know, ever since I first saw you."

You covered your face with your hands. For some reason you can't stop smiling. So is this really a date? Your heart was doing tribal dances in your heart and you felt that any moment it would burst open.

Tadashi took your hands away from your face and stared at you and he smiled.

You thought of the first thing that entered your head when you saw him smile for the first time; his smile could light up San Fransokyo.

Goddammit Tadashi Hamada


Part three of Chances.

And yes I changed my UN.  Happy reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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