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Tadashi x Reader

Siting on a bench in the park you go through the pictures of your camera. Taking pictures was a hobby of yours and you always loved how you could capture perfect moments. You closed your eyes to rest your eyes for a bit and leaned backwards to the bench you're sitting in, you felt relaxed. From all the stress college life has given, you found comfort in observing the world move around you and then capturing it tiny frames. 

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, the weather was fine with a slightly strong breeze that sent a nice chill through your body. You inhaled the sweet smell of waffles and coffee in the air. Birds were flying back to their nests, going home after a tiring day. The sun was beginning to set, it was a beautiful mix of orange and pink. You decided to capture this moment. Looking at the picture you were satisfied, next you decided to take a picture of the park 's fountain, you loved how the water reflects the light. Then you stood up and snapped a photo of the people in there: an adorable old couple smiling at each other, a kid playing with his golden retriever puppy, one teen dressed in all black and listening to his headphones, and this guy who seems to be a bit older than you. He was wearing a cap on his dark hair and his hand was covering his mouth while the other hand was holding papers. His eyes were really concentrated on what he was reading. 

You looked up from your camera to look at that guy you found in the photo but then you were startled as a piece of paper covered your face. "I am absolutely sorry!" You heard a guy approaching you. "It's fine," you said reassuringly as you removed the piece of paper smothering your face. You saw that the guy who was talking to you was the same one who you were staring at in the picture.

"Are you sure?" The guy said again.

"Y-Yeah," you said as you fixed your hair and tucked some of them behind your ear. You saw that he had brown eyes. You always thought you had a thing for the blue or the green eyes but you were mesmerized by them. If only you could take a picture without being labeled as a creep. 

You gave him back the lucky paper that you had, he smiled looking at you. You swear that smile could power up everything in San Fransokyo. You blushed at that thought. What were you thinking? You just met the guy for five minutes! 

"Thank you and I'm really sorry," he tucked those papers in an envelope and he had kept it inside his brown messenger bag and looked up to you and smiled again. He was going to speak again when your phone suddenly beeped, looking at the screen it was your friend reminding you that you had to help for a homework due tomorrow. 

"I have to go now, it was nice having your paper fly to my face?" You try to joke and now you were mentally beating up yourself for saying that as your stomach started to do back flips and your heart started to do a fast beat-box. 

He gave out a light chuckle and then he extended his hand for a hand shake. "Tadashi, Tadashi Hamada." 

You gave out his hand to him, "(Y/N) (L/N)." You start to shake his hand but then he lifted it up and placed a light kiss on your hand and in that few seconds you forgot to breathe. You were blushing really hard this time. You pulled out your hand quickly and he laughed, amused by your reaction.

"It was nice meeting you, (Y/N)," he smiled and then winked at you. "I hope we could see more of each other."  

"Um..Y-Yeah..nice meeting you too," you mumbled as you turned away, embarrassed, frustrated and flustered. What's his problem? You walked away fast. You had to get away and breathe. 

His mezmerizing brown eyes though.

No! Stop it! That was a bad sign. Guys who do that are trouble and you do not want trouble (Y/N). 

You covered your face with your hands and while waiting for your heart to calm down and get it straight.
Goddammit, Tadashi Hamada.


Aaaand that's it for now! This may have a part two. I enjoy writing tadashi and I hope that's okay with y'all.
Requests are still open!
Let me know what you think?

>>found a really cute fanart! credits to (and may heaven bless) the artist who made this!

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