You idiot

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Hiro x Reader

The traffic during rush-hour in San Fransokyo is killing you. It seems that the cars weren't moving at all and you had a plane to catch and it was annoying you how the taxi you were riding hasn't moved an inch since ages ago.

You were going to your grandparents and it takes a plane and another car ride to get to the mountains of your mother's hometown. Unlike this place you're in right now, it was all greens stretching out for miles. Your Granny and Granpa lived in a quiet village.

Despite the world's technological advancement, this place has remained the way it was from years ago. There weren't any tall buildings and the kids go and play outside instead of spending their time burrying their faces on screens. It was nice and it was refreshing.

Sure, you loved San Fransokyo. Everyrthing was colorful and the streets were always filled with people. You loved the food and admired the lights dancing in the night. But one thing you loved most about this place is your boyfriend, Hiro Hamada. 

You met Hiro when you first moved here. You sighed at the memory, it was around three years ago and both of you were fifteen.

Hiro teased you a thousand times just to get your attention, sometimes he would brag and boast about how cool he was and you would just shake your head and laugh. He was a nice guy and slowly you were falling for him. He asked you out and you said yes. Both of you were indeed happy and in love. 

You felt your phone vibrate because of the incoming call. The name "Hiro" was flashing on the screen...and then you dropped the call. 

...well, just like any other couple, you guys had your fights too. Hiro, being the robotics genius, enthusiast and hasn't really tried living without a computer , couldn't really imagine being in a place where he couldn't get a wi-fi signal. You thought this could be the time when you can introduce Hiro to your loving and dear grandparents and have a good time with him and to be actually alone with him without all the distractions of technology, but no. Hiro just had to be a jerk about it, he had to be insensitive about it. "(Y/N), I don't really think it's a good idea to be in a place that's so... I don't know, uncivilized and remote?" You were mad at him at the moment. 

The loud honking of the cars got to your nerves and you could feel your head ache. You grabbed your (F/C) earphones and then began searching for a song that is soothing.

You closed your eyes and massaged your temples and listened to the song that was playing.

After a moment you felt the car start to move. 'Thank God!' But then it stopped again. You had three hours left until your flight, surely this traffic isn't gonna be more than two hours? ...Hopefully.

After that long and agonizing ride, you just had an hour to spare. You were running through the gates and then he was there.

"(Y/N)," he called out to you. Still mad at him, you just walked faster and pretend you didn't hear him call out. Not wanting to lose another second, Hiro grabbed your arm and pulled you close so he could hug you from behind. "(Y/N), I'm sorry."

"Hiro, I'm going to be late. As you can see I have a flight to catch."

"I'm going with you," he said as he lifted up hid tickets and a bag he brought with him. 

"Oh, so you think everything is going to be fine when you say you're going? Everything you said will be gone like 'poof'? Do you- ugh. Goddammit Hiro Hamada, I am so pissed at you, freaking pissed at you.. You- you- insensitive piece of- Go lick a robot, Hamada! I am so-" 

He suddenly kissed your lips and held you tight. You relaxed into the kiss and then calmed down. Sighing, you thought Hiro was really being sorry and really, you can't stay that mad at him for long. After the kiss, you felt him hug you tighter. The both of you were getting weird looks from other people but really, you didn't care what they think.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He said softly and sighed. "I'm an idiot."

"Yes, you are." You kissed his cheek and then pinched his arm.

"Forgive me?" He looked up to you with his famous puppy eyes.

"Make it up to me, I'm still pissed at you"

"I know," He placed a soft and short kiss on your lips. He held your hand and both of you walked together. Holding his hand tightly, you walked beside him. "Hey, Hiro?" He looked at you straight in the eye, "Yeah?"

"You might be an idiot, but you're my idiot. You got that?"

He chuckled and placed a kiss on your forehead and ruffled your hair. "Yes, ma'am"

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