Lazy Mornings

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Short Tadashi x Reader

The sun began to shine on your face.  Morning has come and you groaned.

Five more minutes. 

Then you felt big arms wrap around your waist and pulled you closer and closer from behind. 

That's right,  the wedding.  The memories and happy feelings then flooded your half awake mind.

"Good morning, Teddy." You snuggled closer to him and blushed at the memories of last night. 

"Good morning, Mrs Hamada." he said sleepily with lazy kisses on your nape then on your shoulder before he buried his face in your hair and inhaled the scent.

Goosebumps scattered all over your skin as a tingling sensation went to your spine and lower back as you felt his breath so near to you. 

"Good morning, Mr. Hamada." You turned to him and kissed his lips. He kissed back and after that kissed your nose and cheeks and he smiled,  looking into your eyes. 

"Five more minutes?" you said,  looking up to him with your arms wrapped around him. 

"Five more minutes." He kissed your forehead and hugged you tightly. 

Just as you closed your eyes you hear him whisper,
"Or we could continue last night? " he chuckled. 

It's short and I'm sorry. Please don't hate me 😥
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