Another chance? (Chances part 2)

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For sure, something was wrong with you. You were on your way to the park. Were you hoping to see that guy again? No! You were going to enjoy and take pictures of the park like you always do. Who cares about that guy? You huffed and  crossed your arms walking a bit faster.

You sat on the bench and then looked around. A lot of people were here today. There were children playing, a number of vendors selling deliciously smelling food that made your mouth water. 

Grabbing your camera, you flipped through the photos you took on that day. The first one was the sun rising from your room window, you loved how the sunlight was peeking through the curtains. The next picture was of a stray cat you met while walking on the street that was staring right at the camera. You flipped through more photos until you reached the photo you took yesterday. You zoomed on his face. He really had nice features on his face.

"You could always ask for a close up picture, (Y/N) (L/N)." 

Startled, you jumped and almost dropped your camera. "Sh*t!" You cursed as you held your chest and tried to calm your heart.

"Swear jar." He chuckled and ruffled your (H/C) hair.  

"Well, it's your fault!" You tried to swat his hand away and was annoyed when you can't.

"You looked so cute while waiting for me,  thought I could surprise you." Tadashi winked as he sat down beside you.

Caught of gaurd you were stutterting and were blushing really bad. You cleared your throat and kept your camera tucked away. 

"Excuse me, Tadashi Hamada. I wasn't waiting for you," you told him as you looked away. This guy is unbelievable. 

"Are you sure about that?" Looking at him, you saw those brown eyes again. And somewhere in that brown you saw a bit of mischief and amusement.

"I'm pretty sure, now scoot over. Other people would think we're friends." 

"(Y/N), I'm hurt." He flashed you his puppy eyes and a pout. You giggled at his riddiculous and dorky  expression. "We're friends aren't we?"

"Merely acquaintances,"

"But," He moves closer to you and whispered in your ear which sent a jolt down your spine. "they could think we're a couple."

You were just speechless and flustered. No! I wouldn't want to be with you! was what you wanted to say but unfortunately you were just too shocked.

He moves back to the other side of the bench and laughs at your reaction. Your flushed cheeks looked adorable to him. 

Silence then fell over the both of you as you observed the people around you. Glancing up you saw Tadashi who was lost in his thoughts. 

It wouldn't hurt to take one picture, right?

Grabbing your camera, you turned it on as quietly as you can and then quicly you turned the camera to him and snapped a quick photo. 

Snapping out from his thoughts he looked at you as you caught him off guard. You made a smug smile on your face.

"Hey, I wasn't ready yet!" he laughed and fixed his hair bit. He grabbed your camera and turned it on. Placing a hand on your shoulder he turned the camera to face you and snapped a photo.

This guy was crazy.

but at least he smelled good..

wait, what?

No, (Y/N). This is a bad idea. Abort. You don't know what this guy really wants. Why is he doing this? He had the good looks, there's no way he was into you, right? He could get any girl.. maybe he already has a lot of girls. 

No. You will not be a part of a collection.

You suddenly stood up and grabbed your camera and you fixed what you were wearing.

"I have something to do, I should be going." You lied, wanting to go away as quickly as possible.

"Too bad, My aunt owns a cafe. I thought I could treat you." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck while he was looking up at you.

"Stop that." You hissed and glared at him. This could be a joke. He might be just playing around with you. And guys like that shouldn't be trusted.

"What?" Confused, Tadashi asked. 

"Whatever you're doing just stop. It's- it's not nice." 

You turned around and walked away. Faster and faster like you wanted to run from him. It might be while before you go back to that park.


part 2 done

and yes, there's a part 3 :D

thank you so much for reading! I am truly grateful :3

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