The Dress

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Sorry if it's not really good. > < I'm sleepy but I felt like I really needed this. Hahaha. So what do you think the color of the dress is?

short and fluffy Tadashi x Reader

"That dress is definitely black and blue." You said as you squinted your eyes at the screen of your laptop. "Yep, it's black and blue." You rest your head on your boyfriend, Tadashi Hamada. You snuggled up close to him to feel his warmth. The night was getting late and it was already cold.

"What are you talking about, (Y/N)." Tadashi placed his arms around you and breathed in the scent of your hair. He was tired from all the work he had today and he was winding down with you.

You were wondering about the whole dress thing people were going crazy about. You didn't even like the dress that you saw. The dress that was obviously black and blue to you.

"Clearly, it's white and gold," Tadashi argued while combing your hair with his hands, you loved it when he does it. It was just so comfortable being with him, but right now you were frustrated that he thinks it's white and gold.

"Blue and black!" You said to him as you got up and sat up from the bed you were both sharing.

"Are you colorblind? White and Gold, (Y/N). Seriously." He got up too and then flicked your forehead softly and chuckled.

"I'm not kidding it is black and blue," wrapping your arms around yourself and you puffed your cheeks.

"No, white and gold!" He tackles you back down to the bed and then tickles your sides as you struggled from his hold.

"Tadashi! No!" You half laughed and said to him. Trying to tickle him back but he was strong.

"Tadashi, yes!" He said as he mocked you and he still tickled you until you were both breathless from laughing.

He then pulled you closer and placed a light kiss on your lips. And pulled out to smile at you, blushing with love and adoration in his eyes.

Then it was your turn to pull him and kiss him. But this time it made you both breathless again. He placed his forehead on yours and smiled again. His smile was so contagious you couldn't help but to smile back.

"I love you, (Y/N)"

"I love you too, Tadashi"

You pecked his lips one more time and rest your head again on his chest listening to his heartbeat. For some reason, hearing his heart soothed you. He held your hand, fingers intertwined.

These simple happy times were the one you liked best.

"I still think the dress is white and gold," he said all of a sudden. You pinched his nose and laughed. "Let's ask Hiro tomorrow."

You closed your eyes with him holding you tight making it easier to fall asleep. The next thing you know you're dreaming about this dress that talks to annoy everyone in the world.


I just had to do this one.

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