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     Once, long ago, when the land was filled with magic and creatures of all sorts, there was a group of people who could control the elements with their minds. These people were the Elemental Fighters. They drew their power from a brilliant gleaming gem that produced this power. There were four of these gems which the Elemental people had built their compounds around. Each of these gems gave life to a creature which had a spiritual connection to it and these creatures worshipped their gem. The Fire-User's compound was in a volcano and was protected by Salamanders. Salamanders were the beast of fire and were ruled by the Djinn and were loyal friends to the Fire-Users. At the center of the compound was a fire red ruby which was implanted upon the throne of the Fire-User king's throne. The Earth-User's compound was in a great mountain and was protected by Gnomes. Gnomes were loyal only to the King of the Earth Elementals. At the center of the mountain set an emerald upon a pedestal. The Water-User's compound was located in a reef off the coast of the southern sea and was protected by the Undines. The Undines were loyal only to the Queen of the Ocean as well as all of the other creatures that lived in water. An aquamarine set upon the top of a great staff and gave the Queen the power over all the waters. None dared to cross her because she could sink entire continents. The Air-User's compound was located hundreds of feet above the mountains in the east and was protected by the Sylph's and the Alicorn's. The Sylph's were the embodiment of the air and sometimes took on the form of clouds. They had no physical form but when they moved they could knock people down. A diamond was suspended above the court like a chandelier and lit up the entire hall when the light hit it, giving off the look of a rainbow. The Alicorn were winged unicorns and each were bonded to only one Air-User and they were bound for life. The Queen of the Alicorn, Miranda, was loyal only to the Queen of the Air-User's.

    This year's Gathering, in which all the Elemental children got to meet each other, was held in the Earth-user's compound. This Gathering's atmosphere was sad and solemn since it was the year after a terrible disease ravaged through their people and killed many of them.

    It was at this Gathering that an evil king named Lucien, who ruled over all the humans in the land decided that the Elemental Fighters were a threat to his kingdom and his spot on the throne, and he attacked the compound. With him he brought catapults, giant crossbows, and many other siege weapons, along with his whole army.

    The compound held almost the whole Elemental Fighters race. Once the catapults were fired they quickly they chose a select few adults to go to the Hidden City with all the children and mothers to be. After they quickly said their goodbye to their children and friends, everyone -- even the elderly and sick -- went out and fought the evil that threatened to destroy their family and friends. The earth king sent all the gnomes for help to the other compounds and the creatures that lived there.

    As they exited the compound the earth shook, thunder boomed, lightning flashed, and rain poured down from the heavens. Even though they were outnumbered, they were all very angry so their power was increased ten-fold.

    Sadly, it was not enough and help was too allow to come. Three lone remaining elemental fighters remained. 

"Hurry up and run Vulcan and continue to lead our people we can not go on existing without you," said Haydn.

"No, i won't let you two fight alone. A good leader stays with his people and defends them at all cost even at the cost of his or her own life," Vulcan said.

"We've got this Vulcan, now please save the rest of our people!" MeKenna yelled as she blocked a hail of arrows with a wall of fire.

"Fine we will meet again in one way or another I promise," Vulcan replied and then took off in a ball of fire.

The two fought in perfect unison, the perfect embodiment of  yin and yang. While one attacked, the other defended, and they did this until they were eventually captured. It took two days for the army to finally take them down.

    They were taken to a prison built especially for them meant to hold them long after they were executed. During their sentence, they endured excruciatingly painful torture. Even through the torture, they never forgot who they were and where they belonged. They plotted their escape one evening three years later after all the guards had gone to sleep.

    Waiting until after their midday meal, they melted the door of their prison into two swords and walked out. The prison had fifty guards on duty at a time, and after the alarm sounded, half of the guards came out with swords and other various weaponry. The other half came out with crossbows on the roof walkway, sending a hail of arrows upon the two prisoners. The arrows never made contact, but were instead ashes in the wind. Then their crossbows were incinerated, leaving nice burn marks in the shape of a brace and a trigger in their respective places.

    The soldiers then charged on the prisoners, which was a mistake. A ring of fire encircled the soldiers before they had time to react. The only thing that was left of the soldiers was a giant bubbling pool of armor and a pile of ashes. The wind blew the ashes into the sky and left the air around them looking like a winter day. The ashes were still radiating heat and were scalding hot to touch.

    After they took care of the soldiers, they melted their prison. They found two horses and rode them into exhaustion until they reached the Hidden City. When they arrived they were welcome with open arms and a home. Two years later the two heroes had a child with golden eyes and golden blonde hair; but that was only the beginning...

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