Chapter 3

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They follow the map to an inn about five leagues away. When they got to the inn they gave the stable boys the reins and went inside. Once inside Blaze went to the bar to tell the bartender that they had reservations for two rooms while everyone else went and sat at a table. The bartender handed Blaze his two keys and asked him if he wanted dinner. Blaze responded that he wanted eight dinners. Blaze then went and sat down at the table with his friends.
        When the food was ready two barmaids brought it out and served them. They were served pork chops and potatoes. Afterwards they went upstairs to sleep. In the morning Blaze was the first one to wake up and he went downstairs to have the stable boys get their horses ready. When he went back upstairs he got everyone up so they could get ready to leave. Once everyone was ready they left town and headed for the next one. As they left an assassin started to follow them. They started going from checkpoint to checkpoint which wasn't every other town.


    On the last night of their journey they stayed at the White Pigeon Inn. About ten minutes after Blaze “checked in,” their food arrived. It was roasted lamb stew with a slice of bread. After they finished eating, Blaze and Jack, the leader of the Falcons, started to talk about how the tents should be set up and who would be in each tent once they arrived at the camp. They started to sketch it out on the back of one of their maps that Vulcan had given them.


    Quietly, the assassin that had been following them walked over to a group of drunken soldiers and said, “You see those girls over there?” The soldiers nodded their heads, “Well, it looks to me like those guys are hogging all the action. If I were you guys I’d let them know it was my turn, but, … you know… your decision.” 

    “The little man is right. It’s our turn to have fun,” slurred one of the soldiers. “The one with the black hair tho is mine.”


    As Blaze and Winter were about to go to bed, a soldier grabbed Winter and started to take her away. Another grabbed Alice and one grabbed Heather, a slender brunette who was part of the Falcon’s group.

    “Boy's, we’re going to have fun tonight,” the one with Winter announced, while stroking her face with his rough hands.

    Blaze’s head literally started to smolder and smoke. His eyes started to glow and the candles got dangerously low. In a deep, dark, and dangerous voice he said, “Let go of them … NOW!”

    “No, we want some of the action too and we are tired of you stealing all of it from us,” snarled one of the soldiers.

    “Horace, block the door … NOW!” Blaze yelled.

    “Blaze, you know I can’t do that or we’ll be discovered,” replied Horace.

    “I DON’T CARE. Do it NOW!” Blaze yelled.

    “All right,” he said throwing his hands in the air. These guys made a big mistake he thought to himself and just with a glance the two doors became one and as solid as stone.

    “You think that's going to scare us. Boys kill them.” One ordered two other soldiers. They grabbed their swords and started advancing.

    “Idiots,” was all Horace said before he dropped the stones he had brought with him. Right before they hit the floor Horace shot the stones and pinned the two soldiers to the wall.
        Then Winter screamed and Blaze lost all control and all the flames from the candles and the fireplace went to him. Then he shot the flames at the solider that had Winter and knocked him back. Blaze grabbed Winter and held her close and surrounded them in a protective dome of flames while making sure she wasn't hurt.
        Alice dropped one of her hidden daggers in her sleeve and used the air to prevent it from hitting the floor and used the air to impale her assailant in the neck with the dagger.
         Jack shot a stream of water so fast and thin it slit the last soldier's throat killing him instantly.
         Horace took the bodies out back and stripped them of their valuables and then buried the bodies while everyone else became very protective of the girls.
         Everyone else inside was in shock but Blaze and his friends were less than half a day's ride to the camp so Blaze couldn't care less.Soon they all went upstairs to go to bed.
         They woke up extra early before anyone was awake and got ready. They went to the stables and and got their horses ready along with the horses they had collected from the soldiers. Before they left they set a bag of gold on the bar to pay for any damage they caused, which was a lot.

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