Chapter 7

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    “Blaze, I need you to take your group, along with Firolon, Avana, Argin. And I want the Falcons to go as well. I need you all to go and take four watchtowers. Then you will take the city in the middle. Here is a map of the area. After you take one, send one of the Falcons back here to report your progress,” Collin said.
    “Okay, I will go and get them ready. Fitch, you are in charge until I get back,” Blaze said.
    “As you wish commander Ignis, I await your return.”
    Blaze, Arthur, and Fitch walked back to the campsite and told everyone else what their mission was and to get ready to leave.
    Blaze and his crew got on their horses and set out toward the first tower.
    When they arrived at the first tower, they all decided that they were going to storm the tower when, all of a sudden, Alice seemed to faint. Horace ran and caught her before she hit the ground.
           When she woke up she said," I just had a vision. My mother always told me about this gift and that I may have it but it's very rare."
    In her vision she saw everyone charging the watch tower and a man with a horn. Then she saw an army coming from the town and other watch towers. Finally she saw death. She then proceeded to knock an arrow in her bow and shoot the guy with the horn.
After this happened they proceeded as planned. When they got to the door, Blaze blasted the door in and gave the soldiers a chance to surrender. The soldiers made the mistake of trying to charge them. They ended up as ashes in the wind. Their ashes were floating in the wind because Alice created a breeze to cool off the room and Blaze.
They went through the rest of the building with little resistance. At the next tower Firolon, Avana, and Argin went in and took it because they didn’t get to fight in the last tower and in the third tower the remaining two Falcons took it.
    At the last tower Alice and Winter wanted to take it by themselves. The rest of the group agreed, so Winter used some water from her jar and made a key out of ice. Then she slowly opened the door. Once inside, they quickly and quietly killed the soldiers who were all sleeping. Finally they made it to the top of the tower. Winter went through the trapdoor first and, all of a sudden, she felt an arrow go right through her abdomen and another through her chest. With a quick gasp for air she fell from the platform and down the ladder to where Alice was waiting. When Alice caught her and saw the arrows protruding from her, the air started to swirl dangerously around her and her eyes started to turn grey and then pure white as she began to ascend to the platform. Once she was up there the oxygen levels dropped to nothing, the air pressure intensified, and then Alice expelled a gust of wind that she had been holding in her body, knocking everyone off of the platform. Before they could fall to their deaths she brought the remaining four soldiers back up and slowly and painfully suffocated them to death.
    Then she picked up Winter, jumped off the tower, and floated to the ground. Once Alice’s feet touched the ground, she collapsed.
    “Take Winter and RUN!” she told Horace and Blaze. Then Blaze, being the overprotective one, started asking, “Who?” “What?” “When?” “Where?” “Why?” and “How?” while pacing back and forth.
    Horace smacked Blaze, sending him flying into a tree and yelled, “Get hold of yourself!”
    “Yeah you're right sorry." Blaze said as he picked himself in, "What happened, Alice?”
    “I will tell you about it later, if we survive. Now you need to take Winter and then all of you need to leave here now. There is a large group of soldiers coming this way,” Alice replied.
    “No, Alice, you pick up Winter and RUN to the camp. Do not stop until you get there. You should reach camp in about an hour or so. Everyone else ride back on your horses and tell Collin that if i don’t come back to take care of Fitch and his men,” Blaze replied. Then Blaze turned to face the oncoming soldiers.


    As Horace and the other rode away he turned around to watch his lifelong friend face his potential death.
    “Stay here so that he doesn’t  hurt you, but so that you are close enough to him in case he needs your help,” Firolon said to Horace when he saw him looking back at his friend patting hum on his shoulder, “He may need your help. Besides, we can take care of ourselves.”
    “Thank you, Firolon. You are one amazing elf,” replied Horace.


    As Blaze looked upon his impending doom, he felt that he would survive because someone had disobeyed his orders and stayed. When the soldiers got close enough to him, his eyes glowed red and then the soldiers that were close to him were encircled in a ring of fire. The heat was so intense that people started to melt and the fire turned pure white, and Horace could feel the heat from half a mile away. Then he proceeded to dispatch the rest of them with a fireball here and a sword cut there. When Blaze finally fainted from exhaustion Horace got off his horse and walked over to his friend and said, “Let us return home. Our work here is done.” As he walked back to his horse he saw a mass of thousands of soldiers making their way in the direction of the camp.
    Setting Blaze down he said, “One more thing to do old friend,” as he patted him on the back and turned to face the oncoming threat. He then made a wall twenty feet high and two miles long in front of the army. Then he rode back with Blaze draped over his lap.

    When Alice arrived at the camp she saw that her whole village was there. She ran until she found Bartholomew.
    When he saw her running with his daughter dangling on the edge of life he thought to himself, My wife was taken from me with arrows. My daughter will not. His eyes turned deep blue and then he pushed everyone out of his way, including Vulcan and Collin with a wall of water. Then he told Alice, “Lay her down here.” As they were clearing a table; water started to rise out of the ground and everywhere else within a ten-foot radius. After he was sure Winter was in a comfortable position, he told everyone to leave. Then he began to pull the arrows out. While he did this he used a forbidden technique to stop the blood from flowing out of the wounds and clotted the blood until he could use the water to heal her.
    After Winter was fully healed and in bed Bartholomew asked Alice what happened.
    “Well, we had a mission to take four towers and then to take the city. But on the last tower Winter got shot by some arrows. But don't worry, the people who shot Winter did die a terrible death, I made sure of that. Anyway, so then Blaze got all weird and went into this whole rage and I could already feel heat radiating off him. Then he told me to run, sending everyone else back to camp. Speaking of the Devil, here they come now. Where is Horace, though?” Alice rambled off falling to her knees with tears streaming down her face.
    “Wait … you don’t think … oh, crap, he does know,” said Hadyn.
    “Know what?” Bartholomew asked.
    McKenna was the one to answer, “He knows the Forbidden Art of Heat.” Everyone looked around and asked at the same time, “What is that?”
    “Well, it’s when a fire user surrounds an area with fire and heats it up to the temperature of lightning, which is about five times hotter than the sun. So, basically everything in the circle melts, including people. It can only be used by a very select few of us and only in times of extreme emotional rage,” explained McKenna.
    “Oh,” everyone said as they understood.
    “Why are you all here, anyway?” Alice asked.
    “I’ll explain that,” said Vulcan walking forward “We were attacked. The King’s army found the Hidden City and destroyed it. Luckily; we were able to hold out until the young ones were able to escape. Then we came here looking for protection under the rebel army. They have kindly agreed to shelter our people in return that our groups help and fight with them.”
    “Oh okay,” replied Alice.
    Just then Horace came riding up with Blaze draped across his lap and looking as if he were about to fall off his horse.
    “What happened?” cried McKenna as she ran to her two sons. Lifting them both off the horse at once, as if they weighed nothing more than a feather. She laid them down and checked to make sure that they weren’t mortally wounded. Once she was sure that they were going to live, she yelled at her husband, Hadyn, and the chief, Vulcan, to come pick the boys up and take them to their separate tents.


    When Blaze woke up he was next to Winter in their tent. He got up and found that his clothes had been changed and he had been bathed. He then went outside and found his parents, Bartholomew, Captain Aeris, Vulcan, and many others from his village waiting outside his tent.
    “What’s going on?” Blaze asked very confused.
    “Well,” McKenna said, “you passed out and Horace brought you here. Then he passed out and then I had to take care of the both of you. Also the thing that made you pass out was the use of the “Forbidden Art of Heat,” which is strange that you know how to use it since your father and I are the only ones who know the technique.
    “I don’t know how I did it. All I remember is the feeling that I felt and the anger boiling up inside of me. Then I kind of just released it,” replied Blaze
    “It’s okay. Just go back and lie down. We’ll talk more later,” said Hadyn.
    “Okay, I will talk to you all later,” Blaze said and went back into his tent. After he crawled over Winter and lay down, she turned into him and settled into a sound sleep.
    “Good night. I love you,” he whispered into her hair.

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