Chapter 8

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About two weeks later, when Blaze, Horace, and Winter all recovered from their physical injuries and Alice recovered from her mental trauma, they decided that they would take the towers and the town by themselves and that it was time for revenge.

    After saying goodbye to their friends, they got on their horses and rode to the first tower. They were angry and didn’t care if a bigger army was going to come. The guy with the horn was cut off in the middle of blowing into the horn by Alice who just cut off his air supply.

    Then Blaze burned the door and Horace shot stone into the doorway impaling people. Then Blaze and Alice took out everyone else in the tower. Winter stayed outside and created a storm that blew people off the towers. Finally after all four towers were cleared they decided to take the city. This city was named Hawthorn, and an important stronghold of the kingdom. The city defended the kingdom from the eastern borders.

    They rode to the top of a hill that overlooked the city. A messenger came out and asked them what they wanted.

“We want you to surrender your city to us,” was all Blaze told him calmly.

The messenger came back shortly after and told them that he was told to tell them to “Go to Hell.”

The ground underneath the messenger's feet grabbed him and moved him out of the way.

“Blow the doors open, Horace.”

“With pleasure, Blaze,” Horace replied. The gates were blown open by a giant pillar of compacted earth. Then they rode slowly toward the gates. The soldiers on the wall sent a hail of arrows down upon them. Winter created a shield of ice around them. Then Blaze sent a flame that burned all of the strings of the bows. Then they slowly rode into the city with Alice taking the lead.

As they went through the city she created little tornadoes to blow away the soldiers. At one point she had three or four tornadoes going at once. After weaving through the city for about ten minutes they arrived at its center.

At the center of Hawthorn was the government building. Horace opened the door again, except this time he made sure to leave the door intact.

    They got off their horses and walked inside. Inside, with Blaze leading this time, they walked up multiple staircases. Finally they reached the top and came to the room they were looking for.

    The two guards who were outside the door drew their swords, ready to attack. They quickly put them away and opened the door when Blaze’s hands were lit up with fire.

    When they walked in Blaze announced, “We have just taken your city--without any death, I might add. I need you to sign this, just to make it official. It states that you will give our army supplies and have standing men at arms that will be available to us at any time that we call upon you to. You know, just the basics.”

    Dumbfounded; he governor of the city stammered, “W-what?”

    “We have just taken your city. You need to sign this non-negotiable contract,” Blaze replied slowly. When the governor looked like he was going to pass out Blaze asked, “Are you feeling alright?”

    “How? What? No, this can’t be!” cried the governor, “No, I will not sign it. The King will have my head as a paperweight if I do.”

    Blaze walked around and whispered angrily into the governor's ear, “I’ll burn this town down if you don’t sign that paper. You know those four watchtowers that are supposed to be protecting your town?” The governor nodded, “Well, we took control of them and I can summon an army the size of the king’s to come and attack your town.” When he threatened to burn down the town, a fireball appeared in his hand.

    The governor started to frantically search for something to write with and couldn’t find anything. Then he fell down onto his knees and begged Blaze not to burn down his city.

    Alice produced an ink well and a quill feather and handed it to the governor. He thanked her profusely and signed the paper. Then he handed the papers to Blaze.

    After Blaze had the papers, they left and rode back to the rebel camp.


    When they arrived back at the camp, they found that the camp was under attack from the king’s army. Grabbing their weapons they rushed into the middle of the action and started to fight. The battle ended quickly.

    When they all arrived back at their campsite noticed that one person was missing--Arthur.

    “Where is Arthur?” Blaze asked.

    “He didn’t make it,” explained Fitch sadly.

    “He died protecting me and our daughter,” said a woman. “I am… I mean was Arthur’s wife, Dawn. When we were attacked, they used catapults and arrows at first. Then they attacked in force upon the camp. They came into our tent and grabbed our daughter.” She paused trying to gain her composure. “Sorry. He lost it and used a forbidden technique that kills its user but it is incredibly strong. It’s only supposed to be used when you know that you will die and, I guess that he didn’t think that far. He saved us but in doing so left us. With him he took over half of the king’s army. It will be a long time before they have the numbers to take us again, but he still has too much power for us to attack him directly.”

    “The Falcon’s will now be disbanding out of respect for our leader,” said Heather, “but we will always look out for you, Dawn. If you ever need anything just call into the wind and we will come.”

    “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry for you. He was one of my best friends and he will be missed,” said Blaze quietly, “You may call on us as well.”

    “Thank you. You are all very kind,” said Dawn

               “Alice, your mother was taken as well. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything," Heather said on the brink of tears.

    Alice walked away silently into the middle of the battlefield where the terrible event had taken place. She took the necklace from around her neck that had the whistle on it and blew it with all of her might. Out of the sky a winged unicorn flew down and wrapped her wings around Alice.

    “They killed my brother and took my mother, the former queen of the Air-Users, Alicorn, please help me find her,” Alice begged the queen of the winged unicorns crying into her neck. Alicorn kneeled down and allowed Alice to climb on her back. Then they flew off after the king’s army.

    Once they reached the army, Alice jumped off of Alicorns back and landed in the middle of the army. She then proceeded to kill all of her mothers guards in a very painful fashion. After she let her mother out of her cell they ran back to Alicorn and flew back to camp.

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