Chapter 6

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    The next morning at daybreak Blaze woke everyone up to go for a mile jog before breakfast. The only ones who didn’t have to go were Firolon and Avana since they were the ones who were cooking breakfast.
            When they got back from their jog they sat down and had a small breakfast of bread and eggs with a piece of ham
    After breakfast Blaze announced, “Okay, I want everyone to help set up a training ground. Horace, will you make us a flat training area down there in the valley next to our campsite please?”
    "Of course Blaze,” Horace said and with a wave of his arm there was a flat area that sunk into the ground about a foot.
“Thank you very much, Horace. Everyone, get your weapons and get down there in ten minutes!” Blaze commanded.
    Within five minutes everyone was down in the training area ready to go.
    “Firolon, will you please train our swordsmen in how to fight better? What I mean is teach our new recruits how to fight multiple men at once. Argin, will you train some of the men in how to use a warhammer and mace? And, Avana, will you train some men in using a quarterstaff? Archers, Alice will help you with your accuracy and speed,” Blaze said.
    The first day everyone was exhausted by lunch. After lunch everyone took a break and asked Horace to repair his or her weapons. After that everyone went to work on making practice weapons. That night everyone went to sleep right after dinner.
    The second day everyone made it a little longer, but they were still exhausted. After the third day everyone was able to go till dinner. The second week Blaze bumped the mile in the morning to two miles in the morning. Finally after three weeks they had the stamina to go all day.
    On the fourth week an alarm was raised. A soldier ran into their campsite and said, “Prepare for battle. The enemy approaches!”
    “To arms!!!” Blaze yelled. Everyone ran out of their tents with weapons in their hands. “Everyone except Horace, Alice, and Winter, follow me. Horace and Alice, take up a position on that mountain top. Winter, go over to that stream.” With that Blaze ran to the front line with 28 people in tow.
    When they got there Collin was already waiting for them, “The king is not present, but almost the whole army is here. Lets show him we are a threat and not to be taken lightly. To our dying breath we will fight and protect the ones we love and care for”, he said when he looked back at his army and then turned towards the other army. Waiting until the other army started to advance, he then yelled, “CHARGE!!!”
    The whole army charged together. Blaze ran slightly ahead and drew his swords. Right before he reached the front of the enemy lines he jumped and gave himself a little boost with some fire and ignited his swords with fire. He then landed within the enemy’s ranks and proceeded to burn them alive and cut them down with flaming swords. Then he heard a scream across the battlefield that sounded like Winter’s and shot himself into the sky.

    Once the battle started, Winter was standing by the stream. She yelled at some of the soldiers, enraging them. They charged her with their swords drawn. She dispatched them easily enough with her staff. The little skirmish caught the attention of some more soldiers. For each soldier that she killed, two more took its place. Eventually there were too many of them to fend off with just her staff, and she started to use the stream next to her. Seeing the skirmish the whole army realized who she was from her weapon choice, terrain, and the way the water responded to her reactions, and started to advance towards her position ignoring the rest of the army. When there was a large crowd threatening to overtake her position, she stepped onto the stream and started to walk backward over it, fending off soldiers left and right. Eventually when she reached the other side, she froze the stream when a majority of the soldiers were in it. When some began to slowly walk over the frozen stream, she shot spikes of ice at them.
    While she was concentrating on the soldiers in front of her, she didn’t notice that there were some soldiers behind her. One of them grabbed her around her throat, but not before she could let out an ear-piercing scream. She twisted out of the soldier's grip and encased herself in water.


    Blaze ran as fast as he could to the spot where Winter was cutting down foes left and right, flames from campfires skyrocketing. When he reached the spot where Winter was, his eyes started to glow slightly red. He started to smolder, and the ice in front of him started to melt and then boil, cooking the soldiers alive.
    “Run,” was all he told Winter, then in the distance a volcano erupted and shook the earth.
    Walking through the water he grabbed the soldiers swords as they descended upon him and melted them. Then he grabbed them by their heads and literally melted their faces off. Flames encircled him and his rage grew. Winter's ice melted as she passed out from exhaustion and fell into the water.
    After Blaze had dispatched the last soldier he ran to Winter, picked her up, carried her back to camp, and passed out.
    The next day Collin came over to Blaze’s campsite and told him that he needed Blaze and his company to take care of the bodies on the field. Also, after they were done he needed Blaze to go to the command tent with Arthur and Fitch for a secret mission. Blaze led his company to the battlefield where there were bodies scattered everywhere.
    “Everyone, start to take all the armor, weapons, and anything else of value. Then start to pile up the bodies,” Blaze commanded.
    Once there was a large pile, Blaze burned them and Horace buried the ashes. When they finished, Blaze, Arthur, and Fitch went to the command tent while everyone else went back to the campsite.

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