Chapter 2

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Once Blaze arrived at Winter’s house, he knocked on the door. Bartholomew answered the door and let Blaze in. He led Blaze to the living room where they sat in the two chairs by the fireplace and Winter came in and sat on Blaze’s lap.

    After putting his arm around her he looked at Bartholomew and asked, “Bartholomew, can you tell us about the Water-User’s compound?”

    With a sigh he said, “I knew this day would come. Well, the Queen of the Water-Users was your mother, Winter. Her name was Katrina. It is located at the ridge that stretches out into the South Sea. Inside is a beautiful, sea green staff with the most magnificent aquamarine you will ever see. Winter, this staff is your birthright as queen of the Water-Users," he paused taking in everyone's expressions. Then he continued, "Once you reach the camp, you all must go to your Elements compound and claim the thrones and rule over your elements once more. Then summon our people to the Compounds." 

        "How will we summon everyone?" Winter interjected.

        "You will know how and once you do, will march to the camp. Then we will end this evil tyrant once and for all. One more thing, you must go to the compounds separately and, remember, this may take many years.

    “Blaze, you must protect my daughter. She is my only child and the only one that keeps me fighting," Bartholomew said in a very serious tone.

    “I will. Are you ready, Winter?” Blaze asked.

    “Yes, I love you Daddy,” Winter called to her father as she went to the door, grabbed her bag, staff, and a small water skin filled with water, and left.


Meanwhile at Jack’s house

    “Honey, I expect you to come home. You have a family to take care of now, just remember that,” Jack’s wife said.

    “Don’t worry, with my group and Blaze’s group watching my back, I’ll come home, no problem,” Jack replied confidently. Then taking his daughter into his arms he hugged her and said, “Don’t worry, baby, Daddy will be home soon. I love you. Never forget that.” Then he kissed his daughter on the top of her head. After one last hug and passionate kiss from his wife, he went outside and met up with the rest of his group. Together they left for Vulcan's house to finalize everything and start their journey.


    When Blaze and Winter arrived at Vulcan’s house, everyone else was there waiting for them.

    “What took you guys so long?” Alice asked with her eyebrows raised slightly, when she saw the two walk around the corner with a huge smile plastered to their faces.

    “Wouldn’t you like to know,” smirked Blaze, laying a deep passionate kiss on Winters lips. Alice’s jaw just dropped. “Well, it looks like everyone's here. Let's go inside,” Blaze said with a cocky smile.

    They all filed into Vulcan’s foyer where they were greeted by Vulcan’s butler, Edmond. Edmond led them to the study, which was a large, open room with lots and lots of windows. The ceiling was made out of glass and there were bookshelves from floor to ceiling. When they walked in, Vulcan was working at his desk.

    “Well, looks like you all have finally arrived,” he said as he watched them enter. When they were all seated he continued, “You will be traveling a long way. I have set up checkpoints along the way where you can sleep and get food. Also, I have some pouches here with some money for each of you. It will take you approximately five days to reach the camp and here are a couple of maps for you all. Blaze you are the leader of this whole thing. Once you arrive at the camp you will become a captain and be in charge of a small company of men. At the North Gate are some horses awaiting you.” Vulcan paused thinking, “Oh, Blaze this letter is for an old friend of mine, Collin, the commander of the army. Any questions?" They all shook their heads no. "Good luck to all of you, my friends.”

    They all shook Vulcan’s hand, and went to the North Gate to get the horses. When they had arrived at the North Gate, they were greeted by Alice’s mother, Captain Aeris.  

    “Hello! Pick any horse you would like. They are all loyal till the end,” Captain Aeris said. The Falcons all chose big, black stallions,while Alice chose a white mare, and the others chose brown mares.

    Before they left, Captain Aeris stopped Alice and put a whistle into her hands. “This is for when you are ready to go to the Air-Users compound. It will summon the Alicorn named Miranda. She is the queen of the winged-unicorns, and she will help you.”

    “Thank you, Mommy, I love you!” Alice said and hugged her mother tightly. Then she climbed on her horse and rode away.

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