Chapter 1

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Our story begins with a boy name Blaze and his group of friends called the wolves. People feared his golden gaze, and his small stature deceived his muscular frame.

    In his group there are three other people,--Horace, a tall muscular guy with a gaze that made people feel calm, but made his enemies tremble; Alice, a very short girl whose cold grey eyes chilled people to the bone; and Winter, a girl small in stature and her eyes made you feel like you are seeing the ocean when you look into them.


    One day the chief of the village, Vulcan, a tall, strong man, called a meeting at the center of the village and all the groups were required to go. The village was small, as only a hundred or so people lived there. At the center was a beautiful fountain with paving stones surrounding it. There was a huge clock tower made of intricately woven vines and tree branches.

    When Blaze was on his way to get his group together, they found him instead.

    Blaze said, “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you guys.” Then seeing the exchange of looks he asked,”What is it?”

    “Well,... you know how a group usually has a leader ... someone to help guide everyone in the right direction?” Alice asked.

    “Yeah… and let me guess, you want that to be me?   

“Yup!” they all replied in unison.


    “Well, you kind of already lead us,” explained Winter.

    “Also, you just have something about you that I can’t put my finger on, but it’ll come to me later,” added Horace.

    “You’re really not going to let me leave unless I say yes, are you?”

    “That’s correct,” replied Alice.

    “Okay, I’ll do it. But I can’t promise that I won’t make mistakes.”

    “That’s okay. We will help you,” Alice replied.

    “This is all great, it really is, but we need to go ... like now, or else we’re going to be late,” urged Horace.

    “Okay, everyone, let’s go,” said Blaze. They ran all the way there so they wouldn’t be late.

    They arrived just in time to see Vulcan climb up a tall, strong, wooden podium. In a loud and clear voice he began his speech, “As you all have heard, when that human, who calls himself a king, started attacking the elves and dwarves, an army arose to stop him.

    “In that army there was a group of Elemental Fighters. Sadly, only one survived and after retiring, he passed away from an old injury that never fully healed. Now the army’s numbers are dwindling quickly and they need recruits. If the army disappears, the elves and dwarves won’t stand a chance of survival, and then there is nothing left standing between the humans and us. That is not to say that all humans are bad. There are still many humans that are good. Most are just too scared to do anything to stop their King.

    “So I have decided to send two groups--one group to fight and the other to gather information. If you want to volunteer that is okay; otherwise, I will have to pick the groups. I will give you guys a couple of minutes to talk amongst yourselves.”

            Blaze looked at his group, “Do you want go?”

            “You know that I have a score to settle with that coward!” Horace spat. When Horace was seven, a band of Lucien’s soldiers had finally found his family after searching for three years. His father, in a last fatal attempt to save his family, grabbed his war hammer and started fighting off the soldiers. Once he killed the last one, he fell to the ground dead with multiple arrows sticking out of his chest along with a couple of spears.

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