You are Esdeaths boyfriend and very protective. You aren't human you are a demon, but you are also a saiyan. And when someone hurts her or pisses you off then your hair start to flash white and your eyes flash black. Your tail pops out and you have...
Flashback to when I was living in secret with my mom and dad.
M\N: Y\N we need you to run away okay. We have all of hell after us because they know you are going to be a very good and successful man.
D\N: Yeah she's right Y\N the prophecy foretold that you would go to the surface and meet this girl named esdeath. She posses the ice demon in her because she drank the entirety of his blood and now she has his blood coursing through her veins.
Y\N: Buy what will happen to you guys?
M\N: Don't worry about us we will be fine.
D\N: Yes we will but, we need to make sure your safe first. So that you can live in and make sure that you meet Esdeath.
You then hear the guards coming closer.
Guard: In here. Check this place, we must find them they have the child of prophecy!
D\N: Y\N go now!
Your mom then creates a portal to the overworld and she pushes you through.
Y\N: Dad, mom nooo!
D\N,M\N: We love you Y\N stay safe!
The portal closes and you find yourself in a beaten down old shack with no light shining through. You sense humans so you find a cloth and put it over your head to cover your white skin, tail, and horns. You walk outside and sit on a bridge. Then a carriage pulls up and there is a blond lady that comes out of the carriage and she says her name is aira.
Aira: Hey there little guy how about I take you to my house and you can eat and sleep there. Does that sound good?
Y\N: Ummm o-okay.
Aira: Oh good. Now come on.
You hop on aira's carriage and she takes to a mansion with a big shed outside. You smell the stench of blood and rotten flesh coming from the shed. You don't pay any mind to it as you don't want to get involved.
Aira: Come down we have food.
Y\N: Oh okay I'm coming.
Aira: So what is your name you never really told me?
Y\N: My name is Y-Y\N. My name is Y\N.
Aira: Well Y\N why don't you take off that coat.
Y\N: I-im sorry I can't do that.
Aira: Come on just take it off. Oh I see you want me to take it off.
She reaches over for your coat. You then pushes her hand away.
Y\N: I'm sorry I can't let you take it off.
Aira: You know what I bring you into my house and this is how you treat me!
She then grabs you by the neck and drags you to the shed. Inside the shed there is a bunch of dead bodies that are all beaten up. You look around the room horrified as your heart stops for a bit as you feel blood drip on your face so you look up and see more bodies. You then look around as aira moves and right infront of where she was standing you saw your mom and dad hanging there with blood everywhere. Without even knowing your hair starts to flicker.
Y\N: Mom, Dad? Why are you here?
Aira: Wait that's your mom and dad!?
She rips your coat off.
Aira: Oh my god. Well at least I get to kill the whole family.
Y\N: No no no no no! Mom wake up. Come on please help me. Dad come on come on.
Without even noticing Aira cuts your back and when that happens you yell out in pain as your flames attack her.
Aira: AHHHHHH!!! It burns Y\N get rid of this. Ahhhhhhhh!
Y\N: I'm sorry I can't.
You then run as fast as you can to the castle as you think that's where your house is. When you get there you see a girl in a white outfit and a seal on her breasts that marks the ice demon.
(A\N: You age like raphtalia. So don't FBI OPEN UP me. Now enjoy)
She then sees you and looks straight into your eyes as you then run for your life as you are scared. She chases you but then puts a ice wall infront of you so now you are stuck.
???: Where are you going little guy.
Y\N: Are you esdeath?
She is shocked as you say her name.
Esdeath: Why yes I am. Who are you?
You the grow taller then her and your voice changes from high to deep. You are also now more masculine.
Y\N: My name is Y\N esdeath and I'm a demon.
Esdeath: You're joking right you a demon! Hahaha.
She then sees your horns and tail.
Esdeath: Oh you actually are a demon.
Y\N: Yeah I'm sorry but I am from hell and my full name is Y\N L\N and my king foretold a prophecy where I would meet a girl named esdeath and she is the weilder of the ice demon as she has drank the entirety of his blood and no one else was able to.
Esdeath: Why yes.
When she sees your wound when touches it but there is a piece of the dagger in there and she pricks her finger and a drop of blood falls into your wound your whole body gets surrounded in white flames as you're body gets covered in armor.
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Esdeath: What is that?
Y\N: This is my Impirial Arms and when my demon soulmates blood touches mine. My Impirial Arms will appear.
Esdeath: Wait so
Y\N: Yes it looks like you are my soulmate esdeath.
Esdeath: What.
Y\N: Well there's no fighting it I know this is going to sound weird since we just me but will you be my girlfriend Esdeath?
Esdeath: Your right there is no fighting it I guess we are dating now.
You guys have caught an bunch of people and are now engaged.