You are Esdeaths boyfriend and very protective. You aren't human you are a demon, but you are also a saiyan. And when someone hurts her or pisses you off then your hair start to flash white and your eyes flash black. Your tail pops out and you have...
A/N: (Hey guys been a while, haha, well im back and better then ever. Sorry i haven't been updating this story just got a lot going on rn. I got school and then the loss of my best friend just has been a lot. But, I got good news. Im a dad... nah just playing the good news is that I wiil start uploading this story and maybe my other one it depends on the day I guess. But thank you for those who have been with this story and waited for about a year but, I'll stop talking and you can read. Enjoy!)
In Hell
??: Sir we are going to the surface to retrieve the body.
??: Okay and do it fast.
??: Sir yes sir.
Overworld (Esdeath Pov)
Esdeath: Honey? Honey?
Nothing happens as I get a reply of silence. I see Akame standing across of me and (Y/N) body.
Esdeath: What did you do to him!
Akame: I didn't do anything.
Esdeath: I saw you graze his arm and your teigu has the ability to stop somones heart!
Akame: I promise you I didn't do this!
Esdeath: I dont believe you.
I then make a ice spike as I run charge full force at her and stab her arm.
Akame: It wasn't me.
I then see her grab her katana and break off the spike disconnecting the two of us.
Hell (Y/N POV)
Y/N: Where am I?
I find myself in a cryo chamber looking device and I have a mask on giving me oxygen. I then see a mysterious figure aproching me. He has red hair and has a skinny figure.
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It was my father who is a mix of a saiyan and a demon. Except the catch is that my father is only a S+ class Demon. Whille I am an XX Class because I only have some saiyan power hence the reason why my hair flickers when I am mad. But because he is 50/50 he only can use about 50% of his power when me on the other hand am I able to use over 75% from constant training. (
A/N : Hello from the future. I came back to edit this chapter and the one after this one. I will be changing the situation. Gogeta in the anime is a mix of Goku and Vegeta soo I decided to make Vegeta evil again. YAY. So Vegeta is "Taking the main control" over this form just to make things a bit more accurate in a way. Enjoy!)
Y/N: Dad? But, why do I feel mostly Vegeta's energy?
Gogeta: Hello Son and that would be because I am more Vegeta than your father. He is week.
Y/N: He is not! But whats happening and why am I here?
Gogeta: I removed half of you soul.
Y/N: Why?
Gogeta: I need your power to take over the overworld.
Y/N: Why?
Gogeta: Because those humans with the teigu are to strong and we need to get rid of them. And we are going up to retreave the girl with the ice teigu.
My hair then started to flicker and the water started to buble.
Y/N: You leave her alone!
Gogeta: Did I strike a nerve? Well, your not getting out of there and my men are on their way back.
Overworld (Akame POV)
I see 2 men in black outfits sneaking up on Esdeath. I pretend to not to notice.