Restart Part 2

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(A/N : Hey guys, I changed some things

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(A/N : Hey guys, I changed some things. So Gogeta is no longer your father, but goku is. I made Vegeta evil again and made it so that he has "main control" over the fusion. Just so that things are a bit more "accurate" per say. Enjoy!)


As I wake up the man in the distance asked me if I wanted to restart, but I have no idea what that means. So, I decided to ask him.

Y/N : What do you mean restart and who are you?

Mysterious man : As you may know, you died. I came here to ask you if you want to restart. Restart with a new found strength, a strength to defeat the evil that took your life. To answer your other question. My name is Hagoromo Otsutsuki. I am the sage of six paths.

Y/N : Okay, but what newfound strength.

Hagoromo : The power of me and those before you. Their power shall be added to your own, but only if you choose to restart.

Y/N : What happens if I restart?

Hagoromo : You will choose a time and place where you will be put back. Think of it as time travel.

Y/N : Okay, but what about Esdeath?

Hagoromo : Oh, the ice teigu user. She is dead.

Y/N : But, how? She was on the surface when I got dragge-

I then started to have tha moment replayed through my head as my father killed her.

Hagoromo : Im sorry for your loss Y/N, but the only way she can be brought back is if you go to a time where she was not involved in any of this and go after your father. Once your father knew of her existence he wanted her to die in front of you to gain your power, but if you decide to go back to when he has not yet found out about her or her powers and you kill him. She will be safe.

Y/N : And how do I know that she will be safe and not die again.

Hagoromo : Well, that is for you to decide. Keep her out of harms way, tell her about everything, and why your fathers wants you. This way, she will live.

Y/N : Okay, bring me back to the time when we were at her place. 3 years ago, May 3, 2019.

(A/N : This date is completely random. No value at all, just letting you guys know.)

Hagoromo : As you wish.

Then everyhting goes black again. Then I wake up in bed, with Esdeath. Seeing her makes a tear fall from my eyes and I hug her.

Y/N : I'm never letting you go again.

Esdeath : What are you talking about?

Y/N : I will tell you in the morning. For now, let's get some rest babe.

Esdeath : Okay.

I then kiss her and she giggles.

Esdeath : I love you too.

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