Day Off

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Ever since you killed the emporor the capital has been much more peaceful. Since the emporor is dead you can have days off when ever you like and today is one of those days. You were walking through the crowd of pedestrians and everyone was walking away from you and esdeath.

Y\N: Hey Es what do you want to do

Esdeath: I don't know N\N. Where do you want to go?

Y\N: Honestly I would like to get some food and go back home and do something with you but, it is nice coming outside once in a while.

Esdeath: Okay then why don't we go somewhere we can have fun.

Y\N: What kind of fun?

Esdeath: You'll see.

You guys then start walking until you see a group of ss rated danger beasts.

Esdeath: Where here!

Y\N: Ooh can I kill them!?

You have sparkles in your eyes.

Esdeath: Go ahead love this is your present!

You then start to get excited but little do you know there is a certain brown haired boy on a cliff watching you.

Y\N: Alright here we go.

You then use your fire to wipe all of them out in a single blow.

Y\N: Well that was boring.

Esdeath: You weren't supposed to wipe them all out at once.

Esdeath then uses her ice to put the ice out as she starts walking towards you and kisses you.

Esdeath: You idiot.

Y\N: Well you could've said something earlier.

???: I gotta tall Najenda about this.

The mysterious boy runs away to a big tower in a cliff.

???: Najenda!!

Najenda: Yes tatsumi?

Tatsumi: There was a man with a mask with esdeath.

Najenda: What is so bad about that?

Tatsumi: Well here's the thing he wiped out a big group of ss rated danger beasts with one blow and he also had a tail and a pair of horns one long one and one was chipped.

Najenda: Tatsumi what was the color of the fire!?

Tatsumi: White why?

Najenda: Gather everyone and tell them to come here right now!!

Tatsumi: Yes ma'am!


Now everyone from night raid is there.

Everyone: Yes ma'am.

Najenda: He has been found the demon of flames.

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