You are Esdeaths boyfriend and very protective. You aren't human you are a demon, but you are also a saiyan. And when someone hurts her or pisses you off then your hair start to flash white and your eyes flash black. Your tail pops out and you have...
I woke up to the sounds of birds and the nice pink and orange sky. As my eyes flutter open I was met with ice blue hair. There was also weight on my chest so I knew who it was. It was the one and only Esdeath my beautiful ice cold girlfriend. She then woke up and went right over my face and so our eyes locked she then kissed me.
Y\N: Good morning beautiful. How was your sleep?
Esdeath: Good morning my sleep was great. How about you?
Y\N: Good I got to wake up to your beautiful hair. Don't we have the damn meeting with the emporor today?
Esdeath: Yeah we do speaking of we need to get dressed for today. Let's go.
Y\N: Fine.
You then get dressed and esdeath picks your outfit for the day.
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Esdeath always makes me wear a mask because no one knows who I am all they know about me is I'm the: Fire king, Red demon, dead flame, emperor of the flames, or beauties flame. Esdeath dosent like people seeing my face. She thinks that I'm her property but I know I am.
Y\N: What if he makes me take off my mask or makes me tell him his name. There are going to be other people there to.
Esdeath: If he does I will ask if he can drop the topic. If worse thing comes to worse I'll use my ice.
When she said this you snapped.
Y\N: No!! You will not use your ice on scum like them. You will not fight anyone I will be the only one fighting.
As you say this esdeath flinches as she sees your hair flickering and your flames slowly start going up your arm as esdeath has no choice but to kiss you and use her ice to put the flames.
Esdeath: Are you feeling better Y\N?
Y\N: I am now thank you Es.
Esdeath: Your welcome Me.Hellhound.
She then starts to laugh when she calls me this.
Y\N: Me.Hellhound???
Esdeath: Yeah but your my hellhound.
She then starts to hug me tightly and starts to giggle.
Y\N: What do you have a problem.
Esdeath: No.
We are now in the meeting with the emperor.
Emperor: So esdeath I'm assuming the !an next to you is the Fire boy.
Esdeath: Yessir this is the *Chuckles* Fire boy.
Emperor: Watch your time unless scum.
When I hear this my fingers heat up and esdeath sees this and holds my hand to calm me down.
Esdeath: *Whispers* Bye it's okay I'm alright.
I then nod.
Emperor: So is he going to take off the mask because we can't have some shithead walking around the empire if we don't even know his name.
Esdeath: He is not a shithead and I will not tolerate anything you call him!!
Emperor: Bitch you will not talk to me like that. Guards take her out of here.
The guards then take her by force as she is trying to get back she uses her ice and stops but then the emporor uses his golden revolver to shoot her leg out. I then slowly turn around and see her on the floor with blood all over her leg and her crying. This pisses me off as my once black hair turns pure white and my whole body gets surounded by white flames and my eyes glow black.
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Your clothes then change. You now have a small metal tube in your mouth and small black horns with a metal piece on them.
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