You are Esdeaths boyfriend and very protective. You aren't human you are a demon, but you are also a saiyan. And when someone hurts her or pisses you off then your hair start to flash white and your eyes flash black. Your tail pops out and you have...
Emporor: So just because you can use fire your not going to be able to do anything. After all I have multiple guards and Impirial Arms. What do you think your going to do?
Y\N: This!
In a blink of an eye your right behind the emporor.
Esdeath: Y-Y\N no don't do it.
You stop right before you burn his skull off.
Y\N: Your lucky she said stop you would've been my next snack for my hellhounds!
Esdeath: Y\N watch out!
You turn around to be met with a punch from the emporor that sends you flying to the wall?
Emporor: That'll teach you. You low life scum! Don't ever think you can touch me I'm the emporor. Guards take him away and take care of her. She is no longer a general in my army.
Guards: Yessir
Emporor: Good there will also be an execution for the boy and we will make the girl my toy. We will force her into submission even if we have to-
There is an explosion of white lightning coming from you and the sounds of screams.
Y\N: Are you going to complete that sentence shitbag?
Emporor: Even if we have to beat her.
This pushes you over the edge as your Impirial Arms appears and then the emporor cowers behind his throne.
Emporor: Guards seize him. Seize him.
No one moves.
Y\N: Looks like that is a no.
Emporor: Your not getting of the hook. You will die along with that bitch over there!!
Y\N: Are you the bitch because if I die I'm taking you with me. Oh wait I can't die I am the devil.
Emporor: Wha-What!? Your lying!
You then sprout your big black wings.
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Emporor: O-oh you really are. Well shit.
Y\N: Come on square up fool. You hurt her now your going to pay.
You then appear infront of him and punch him through the wall all the way to a food stand. He starts to run but you use your wings to fly and catch up to him as you hit him with a series of punches. He grabs his gold revolver but he has 5 bullets left so you try to dodge.
Emporor: Your finished.
He begins to shoot you more but he runs out of bullets so you seemingly teleport infront of him as you punch him into the air.
Y\N: This is for hurting her.
You punch him to the ground causing him to cough up blood and a huge crater in the floor.
Y\N: This is for making her cry.
You pick him up as you throw him and punch him in his guy making him cough up more blood and sending him into the castle.
Y\N: And this is for calling her a bitch!
You pick him up and headbutt him making his eyes roll back. You fly up to the sky and make a white bow and arrow and shoot him making him burn to a crisp. You get back to the castle and see esdeath laying on the floor.
Y\N: Es it's me come in wake up! I'm not losing anyone else.
She then fakes to die.
Esdeath: I-i love you thank you for being here for me N\N.
She then "drops" her arms down and closes her eyes.
Y\N: No. NO!! No!!!! Esdeath stay with m-
Esdeath: Boo!
You jump a little then hug her tightly with your wings covering her.
Y\N: Why would you do that to me??
You start to tear up as esdeath gets worried.
Esdeath: I'm sorry N\N I didn't mean to scare you.
She then kisses you as it caught you off guard and then you just sink into the kiss and revert to you base form. (Stella is esdeath and ikki is you.)
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Base form.
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Y\N: I love you esdeath.
Esdeath: Me too.
You then use your arms to pick her up bridal style and your wings to wrap around her as you jump up to the clouds and do a spiral. You then spread your wings to it's full length which is about 500ft long and it is very silky and soft.
Esdeath: Wow it's beautiful.
Y\N: Esdeath I want to tell you something.
Esdeath: Okay.
Y\N: It's a little corny though but, here we go. If earth had no gravity I'd still fall for you.
Esdeath then laughs uncontrollably at you. You then drop her. But you fly back down and catch her.
Esdeath: Meanie. I could've died.
Y\N: You deserved it and I wouldn't let you die. Anyways we need to get you some medical attention.
Esdeath: Alright. Let's go.
(Yo Ara here this was 802 words not as much as ast chapter but close enough. Well anyways if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote for it it would help me a lot. Until next time Ara out)