You are Esdeaths boyfriend and very protective. You aren't human you are a demon, but you are also a saiyan. And when someone hurts her or pisses you off then your hair start to flash white and your eyes flash black. Your tail pops out and you have...
Najenda: He has been found the demon of the flames.
Once everyone heard it they all gasped and started to panic.
Akame: Why now he was in hiding for so long why does he come out now of all times?!
Leone: I-I have seen him once but only when he was in his demon form he was being picked up by the blond royal.
Tatsumi: Who is this demon of the flames?
Najenda: He is a very strong demon that no one has ever been close to defeating.
Tatsumi: Well I might have a way to kill him.
Najenda: Well let's hear it.
Tatsumi: I will join esdeaths forces and kill her. The emotions he will feel will probably keep him still and we can swoop in and finish the job.
Najenda: Maybe but it is to risky. We don't know if he will stay frozen.
Akame: If I use my sword it is a one shot.
Najenda: That could work.
Sheele: When will we strike.
Bulat: Now now dear let's not be hasty.
Najenda: Yes bulat is right we need to find an opening.
Leone: Well there is a tournament being held to find more people to join esdeath. The winner will join her forces.
Najenda: Alright when does this tournament start?
Leone: Today in 29 minutes.
Najenda: Alright tatsumi get ready everyone else get to the castle.
It is now time for the tournament. Everyone falls pretty quickly. Now we see a brown haired now fighting a person maybe 5 times his height.
Anouncer: Fight!
The brown haired boy is circling around as they are both keeping their distance. Then the tall man rushes him and throws a punch only for him to dodge and punch him in the back of the neck. They then constantly do the exact same thing until the boy pulls out a sword and hits him with the sword in it's sheeth. The man is now stunned by this and throws a right hook but he ducks under it and throws the man in the air. The brown haired boy walks up to the man.
???: Do you give up?
Man: Yes!
Anouncer: The winner is Tatsumi!
Esdeath: You are now a part of my boyfriend's forces.
Tatsumi: Wait your boyfriends?
Esdeath: Yes. What did you expect.
Tatsumi: Oh I thought it was your forces.
Esdeath: No it is his.
Tatsumi pov
Now we see tatsumi back at the hideout. He then starts to panic because there plans went south.
Tatsumi: Najenda!
Najenda: Oh yes tatsumi. What did you want?
Tatsumi: Uhmm how do I say this? Well turns out it isn't esdeaths forces.
Najenda: Then who's is it?
Tatsumi: The demon of the flames.
Najenda: What!!? Call akame this is now passed down to her since she has masume.
Tatsumi then goes and finds akame.
Tatsumi: Akame!
Akame: Yes tatsumi?
Tatsumi: Najenda said the operation is passed on to you.
Akame: Oh okay.
Timeskip because I'm lazy.
Akame pov
Akame is now sneaking into the castle where esdeath is. She then hears them talking.
Esdeath: Hey N\N.
Y\N: Hi es how are you doing?
Esdeath: I'm doing okay I just need to go on a small mission with my group. Is that okay with you?
Y\N: Of course es but if you get into a pickle you know what to do.
Esdeath: Yes N\N. I know.
Y\N: Alright es I'll see you later.
Esdeath: Bye babe.
She then kisses you on the forehead and says goodbye.
Akame pov
I am now following esdeaths group as I see them make a stop.
Esdeath: Alright everyone feed your horses we are going to be somewhere where we can't feed our horses.
They then take a break and feed and water there horses.
Akame: Alright when they split up I will go.
They then finish up and when they get to there destination it is all foggy and they split up so I follow esdeath. When I got the chance I kicked esdeath off of the horse. She then stands up.
Esdeath: Who's there?
Esdeath pov
I then call out again but no one answers. I then get cut by a blade.
Esdeath: Ow. Who was that.
???: It was me general esdeath.
Esdeath: Who is me?
Akame: I am akame. I sliced you with masume it has a poison that will get to your heart and kill you.
Esdeath(mind): Oh no. There is a way though if I freeze my arm it should stop it temporarily, but it will still spread.
I then make a big ice ball and shoot it towards the castle as I freeze my arm.
Y\N pov
I'm sitting down when I see a big ice ball and when i see this I become furious as someone is hurting esdeath. My hair goes pure white and my body gets surrouneded in white flames and my clothes change into my demon form.
Y\N: I'm coming esdeath.
You then fly all the way to where the ice ball came from and when you get there you see esdeath in the ground with blood coming out of her arm. Seeing this you make a barrier around you so they can't get in.
Y\N: Es who did this to you?!!
Esdeath: Hey Y\N.... Your a little to late... I-i got striked b-by masume.
Y\N: Masume is t that the poison blade!?!
Esdeath: Y- Yeah. Watch out for Akame.
Y\N: A-Akame!
You hear the name of the friend you thought you lost and become furious because she hurt esdeath. Your mask burns off as your fire is wrapping around you. And your armor appears.
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