Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I only own Miyuki.

Warning: Cursing involved.

A/N: Hello my dear readers! How are you? Here's a new chapter!

Miyuki's POV

Okay, here in America, is a pain. Because, everyone is so freaking tall. Like seriously. Why am I so short. Ah. Yes. Genetics. That's what.

I walked on the streets of who-knows-where, with only my clothes and necessaries in my bag.

Everything is just tall. Dammit. I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice someone in front of me.

I accidentally bumped into the person and apologised before looking up. The person was a woman.

She had long dark brown hair that reached her hips and forest green eyes. Her lips had lip gloss applied, the pinkish and sparkly kind of lip gloss. Has a beauty mark under her left eye.

I have to admit. She's very pretty. With an hourglass figure and a big bust, perhaps a D-cup? She wore black leather everywhere. Her jacket was made of black leather, her pants were black leather, even her boots and gloves were black leather!

Her right hand held a silver coloured makeup box? What is that for? She's already pretty enough.

She crouched down to my level and smiled.

I blinked. Her smile is genuine. Huh. How very strange.

"Hello little girl, are you lost? Where are your parents?"

I gave her a very blank stare and spoke "I'm not lost and my parents are dead. That makes me an orphan."

Her eyes shows sympathy. Not pity. That's a surprise.

"Is that so? Well then, would you like to come with big sister then?"

I narrowed my eyes on her. Suspicious, but she doesn't show any ill intent in her eyes.

I shook my head, deciding that it was too dangerous. What if she is a Mafioso herself?

"No thank you. Stranger danger. That's what my parents used to say."

"But your parents aren't here anymore, it's much safer with me than out here."

"I'm a grown woman, not a baby, I can take care of myself." I gave her a determined face.

The woman let out an amused laugh. I frowned.

"What's so funny?"

She calmed herself down and ruffled my hair, making my hair messy.


"Haha! I like you kid! What's your name? My name is Laura Sacheverell! Nice to meet you Kiddo!"

I gave her a deadpanned look. What in the actual shit is going on?

"Well Miss Sacheverell, my name doesn't concern you. Stranger danger. You might be using a fake name to throw me off guard."

The woman gave me an amused smirk. "You got spunk kid. I really really like you! Tell me, you wanna be my apprentice?"

What? Apprentice? What the fuck is this woman spouting?

"Why would you want me to be your apprentice? You don't even know me! And I don't even know you!"

She sent me a sad smile. "You see... I'm gonna die soon... And I need someone to takeover my job..." I stared at her. Her eyes shone genuine sadness, loneliness and... Fear...?

I sighed mentally. This is gonna be a few long years.

"Alright. My name is Akiyama Miyuki. I'll help you."

Laura's eyes brightened before glomping me. My lower right eyelid twitched in annoyance.

"Thank you thank you thank you! You are going to be the one and only apprentice of Mistress Of Masks!"

Say what now? Mistress Of Masks? The fuck is that. I gave Laura a blank look.

"May I ask what is the Mistress Of Masks?"

She stared at me. "You don't know?" I frowned. Is she supposed to be known?

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you famous?" She gave me the look of shock. She covers her mouth with her left hand.

"Oh! The horror! Someone who doesn't know of the famous Mistress Of Masks! Well! Let me tell you then! I, the Mistress Of Masks, is famous in the Mafia world! Famous for deceiving people and one of the best freelance assassin of all time!"

It took me awhile to process every shit she just said.

Holy fuck! What kind of deep shit have I gotten into?!?! And I jinxed myself!

I bit my lower lip, trying to think of something to escape this situation.

Well crap. I can't escape now after I've told her my real name and told her I would help... Ah! Fuck it all! At least this solves my previous problems. Training with a Mafioso to beat an assassin squad if they ever come for my head and at the same time fulfilling this woman's wish, killing two birds with one stone.

Plus I get to have a weapon. Okay. Just endure these few years with this woman and get it over with.

"Do you understand now, Miyuki my dear?"

I nodded numbly. "Yes Miss Laura, I completely understand."

Laura's face brightened up and stood, putting her arm out and pointed behind me.

"Come my apprentice! We must start training! Onward! To my humble lair!" And she proceeded to march.

I sighed. Why do I have to deal with this?
A/N: Did you enjoy it? Let me know! Criticism is also welcomed!

Question: Who do you think Miyuki should end up with? Or no pairings at all? Let me know!

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