Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own KHR. I only own Akiyama Miyuki and other Ocs.

Warnings: Cursing and other shits.

A/N: Oh hey! Double update! Wheeee! Aren't you guys happy? I've finally got some inspiration to type this story! Having writers block is not fun! Anyway, enjoy!
Miyuki's POV

It has been five years since I've trained under Laura.

Five years passed by so quickly.

A lot of things have happened over the years, including Laura.

Laura is sick. Extremely sick. She has an incurable disease and only had a week left to live.

Looking at her extremely pale and sickly body, I wished I could've done something meaningful for her. I shut my eyes, trying to contain my feelings in.

Over the years, she somehow wormed her way into my heart. The times we've been together wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst.

I clenched my fists and bit my lower lip. My chest felt tight, my eyes sting of tears, my body trembling of rage and sorrow.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream so badly. But I don't want to. I don't want to.

I don't want to look weak. I didn't want to be weak. I let out a shaky sigh.

Somehow. Somehow, I need to be strong. I need to be.

I will get stronger.

I opened my eyes and took another look at Laura.

"Miss Laura... I will become stronger. I promise you."

"Y-you... S-Snow... Co-come closer......"

I nodded and walked closer and sat down on the seat beside her bed.

Laura smiled grimly. She caressed my cheek lovingly, as if a mother to a child.

"I knew t-this day would c-come... Don't be h-heartbroken... D-dont be sad... I knew of my disease five years ago..."

I froze. She knew?

"Be-before you became m-my apprentice, I learnt that I was dying. With only f-five years left to live... I only wished that I had someone to pass my s-skills to... I went to orphanages but no-none of the children there had po-potential... And then... I met you... You were perfect... So I decided to take you in when you told me yo-your parents were dead..."

My tears were beginning to fall. I could barely hold my tears. She knew she would die. Yet she trained me, fed me and gave me shelter.

This is life.

I told myself.

All humans die someday.

I knew. I knew. But my heart, it hurts. It hurts so badly.

"S-Snow... If you want to cry... You can cry... C-crying is not a weakness... It is a strength... It shows how much of a heart you have... It shows empathy... It shows kindness... It also shows that you are caring..."

I nodded dumbly. "Yes, Miss Laura..."

She smiles slightly. "Go on... Cry... It doesn't matter."

I took her advice and started screaming in sorrow. My tears was like a fountain, it doesn't stop. My nostrils filled with mucus. My body trembled in sorrow.

Laura patted my head. Muttering soothing words to calm me down.

I screamed again. The tightness in my chest gradually became lighter. Before I knew it, I had stopped crying.

Laura smiled. "Even when I'm gone, I will be watching over you. Remember to practice your flames. Don't slack on training. Don't forget to eat. Pratice on your makeup skills. And no boyfriend until the age of 20, you hear me?"

I chuckled. "Of course not."

"Men." We chorused with a small sigh.

Apparently Laura flirts with men to steal their money and get free stuff. She actually finds men disgusting. I quote 'Those uncivilised gorillas'.

I gave her a sad smile. Six days left till Laura part from this world. I couldn't help but feel helpless, not being able help Laura. It is the worst feeling ever.


It has been a month since Laura's death. Her death was kept a secret from the Mafia world. Jobs for her were still being sent even though it was announced that she was never coming back to the Mafia world.

I've decided to go to Japan. But that means I have to meet Pineapple Head, Drag Queen and Skylark.

I clicked my tongue. I'm about one year younger than Mukuro, so that means the plot has yet to start. It will start next year.

I have a feeling Mukuro will come to my dreams soon for a favour, not help. He is too stubborn to admit it anyway.

But. He is merely an acquaintance. I have no friends. No family. I don't need anyone anymore. I don't want to go through the pain I've gone through with Laura.

Laura... My hand unconsciously grip the necklace Laura gave me on my eight birthday.

It is a beautiful yet simple necklace. A sapphire blue gem with the engraving of 'Snow' on it. It was hung by a black ribbon.

I don't need anyone else. I only need Laura and myself.

I don't need anyone else.
Omake: Laura's Cooking

"Uh... Miss Laura...?"

"Yes, Snow?"

"May I ask, what are you cooking?"

Laura gave Miyuki a deadpanned face.

"Can't you tell?"

Miyuki frowned. "I'm afraid not."

Laura smiled. "Well, I am cooking omelette rice!"

Miyuki's right lower eyelid twitched. The 'omelette rice' has a horrifying shade of blue and purple.

'Just what did she put in there...?' Miyuki thought.

"You better eat all of these up, Snow! This is training for you!" Laura gave Miyuki a mischievous smirk.

Miyuki swallowed the saliva building up in her mouth.

She knew, she was soooooooo dead.
A/N: Did you enjoyed it? Hope you did!

Question: Who is your anime crush?

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