Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything other than my Oc.

Warning: Cursing involved.

A/N: Now you guys have been wondering, what kind of Oc is she? Well, Miyuki is a person who sides with no one. She is a free lancer that is not bounded by anyone.






I sighed as I showered. Today is the day I enrol into Nanimori Middle School. Such a pain in the fucking ass.

I turned the tap to turn the shower head off. I dried myself and proceeded to wrapped my body with a yellow towel and wrapped another towel around my head to keep the wet hair from disrupting me when I'm putting on my makeup.

Walking out of the bathroom can be a hassle. Fucking slippery floors. I actually slipped once when Laura was still alive, had a bruise on my right arm for a week or two. I should probably buy a non slip bath mat soon.

I sat in front of the mirror and begin to take out all the necessity makeup materials. You know, foundation, concealer, some dyes to dye my eyebrows, etc.

Doing makeup takes a up a lot of time, like, an hour or two. I have to get up really early to do the damn makeup. But of course, Laura's faster than me by 40 mins, who the hell is able to accomplish such feat in 20 mins?! I mean, doing makeup can have lots of fucking mistakes.

Poked my eyeball with a mascara once. Not fun. Laura was laughing her ass off though.

That aside, time to get to work.


I took out my new uniform and stared at the damn skirt. It was fucking short as hell.

Why is the damn skirt so short? I scowled at the piece of fabric. "Fuck it, I'm gonna wear this for the sake of Laura."

Laura always knew I hated short skirts so, she will try to get an opportunity to make me wear short skirts and parade around the fucking city. Seriously.

Laura's gonna be so fucking proud of me. Hurray. Sarcasm intended.

I did everything except for one thing, the wig. Dealing with wigs is another troublesome thing. You have to comb it, adjust it so that it would look natural, etc.

Makeup? Check.

Wig? Check.

Neat clothes/uniform? Check.

Contact lens? Check.

School bag? Check.

Necklace? Check.

That's about everything. I guess I'm off to school.


To make me more like 'Sera' the best way is to ask people for directions, the flirting way, since that is 'Sera's' personality.

I see a boy with glasses and reddish-orangy hair. I smirked.

Irie Shoichi

I proceeded to walk up to him. "Excuse me," I said in a flirty tone. Ugh, I hate it sometimes. "Do you know where Nanimori Middle School is located?"

The boy's face immediately reddened. "U-uh I-I..." And then he proceeded to have a nervous breakdown, you know, the Shoichi way.

"Are you alright? Was it something I said?" I asked in a concerned tone.

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