Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. I only own my Ocs.

Warnings: Rainbows and sunshine. Just kidding. It contains Cursing and other shit.

A/N: New chapter people!
Miyuki's POV





Hell I tell you! I have to freaking run 10 laps around the entire fucking city!




I mean, what kind of a tutor would make a seven year old kid run 10 fucking laps around the fucking city?! Apparently my own tutor do.

"Come on Snow! Just 5 more laps and you'll get to rest! After that you'll do 200 push ups!"

I groan. God dammit, why did I ever agreed to help her anyway.

"Yes, Miss Laura..."

Laura smirked at me as she rode a bicycle beside me. "Hurry up, Snow, or no dinner for you~"

My right lower eyelid twitchd in annoyance.

"Yes, Miss Laura......." I said as I picked up the pace.

"Good good! That's the spirit! As expected from the apprentice of the Mistress of Masks!"

I sweatdropped. I swear Laura is mentally disabled.


I finally finished my training menu! My god! My body feels like jelly! It feels like my muscles collapsed! I could barely move my body!

Ugh. I feel like shit. I wish I'd taken up Mukuro's offer but that would've changed the plot.

"Snow! Get your ass up! We are going out to eat and get drunk!"

I gave her a deadpanned look.

Are you shitting me?

"Miss Laura. You are aware that I am a seven year old child, right? I am clearly underage."

"Psh! Nonsense! You're never too young to drink! I started drinking when I was your age!"

Wow, talk about bad parenting.

"Come my dear Snow! Let us be on our way to my favourite restaurant!"

I could only facepalm and follow her.


Here I am. Sitting at the counter. Drinking orange juice. This place was no restaurant.

This place is a freaking bar!



I set down my glass of orange juice, waiting for my pasta to be made.

I glanced at Laura, she was flirting with men, drunk. God. Dammit!

The bartender placed a plapeople, spaghetti with tomato sauce over it.

"Thank you mister." He flashed me a smile and ruffled my hair.

"No problem kid. You tutor, Laura, we owe her a huge debt. As her apprentice, we will welcome you anytime!"

A debt?

"Hey mister, what did she help you with?"

He smiled as he wiped the glassware.

"The Mafia... A familgia called Hydro,  they tried to take over this property so that they could make this place into their hideout. Laura was here that day and fought them off in the disguise of  a man. We were grateful for what she have done."

I hummed. So that's what happened.

"Thanks for telling me, mister! Now I feel closer to Miss Laura now."


He grinned and ruffled my hair yet again.

God dammit people, stop messing my hair!

I slowly ate my spaghetti as I snuck glances at my tutor. Laura was still drunk, drinking at least 4 bottles of Pinot Noir, 3 bottles of Merlot and 3 bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon.

She seems to be obsessed with red wine.

Really really obsessed.

"Snow!" I turn around, Laura looking at me.

"Yes, Miss Laura?" I asked. I have a bad feeling about this.

Her eyes showed mischief. Her smile showed malice. Her body language showed that she was angry.

I swallowed the saliva building up in my mouth. I'm so dead and I don't even know what I did.

"Snow... I heard you asked about my past with this bar...... And about me disguising as a guy......" She narrowed her eyes.

"You tell no one, you hear me?"

I quickly nodded. "Of course Miss Laura! I would never tell anyone else!"

She started at me for a while before smiling and relaxed her body. "Good good! That's how my apprentice should be! I don't want men to avoid me afterall!"

I sweatdropped. That's your reason?

"When we get home, you're going to sleep. Tomorrow we shall continue with your training menu! I shall tell you in advance!"

I have another bad feeling about this.

"You're gonna wake up at 5 am in the morning, run 20 laps around the city after that, 300 push ups, 200 sit ups, 200 pull ups and run 5 laps at the end of the day."

I gave her a look of horror.


Holy Shit! I'm sooooooo dead!

I already feel like crap already and she already does this kind of shit to me?!


"Laura, aren't you being harsh on her? She's just a kid." The bartenter from earlier spoke up.

God bless this kind soul.

Laura sighed and said. "Being the apprentice of Mistress of Masks is not easy. She has to be strong to fight for herself and people she would protect. Yet she has to be weak to deceive her enemies. That is why I'm harsh on her."

Um, hello... I'm sitting over here... I can hear you...

Laura stood up and walked over to the counter. Her right hand on the back of my shirt. Her left hand placed the money for the bill on the counter. "Let's go, Snow. We're going home."

"Please come back again, Laura!"

"Of course I will!"

"Bye mister!"

"See you, brat!"

I scowled. I hate it when people calls me a brat.

Tomorrow morning is the day of my death. Well. I'm supposed to be dead anyway.

I hate my life.
A/N: Do tell me whether you enjoyed it or not!

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