Kyle and Jessica

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Katies POV (pic of Kyle⬆)

"So what are going to do this Friday night?" Lucy says between Kisses. Right now she's sitting on my desk with a leg each side of my waist, and we're  kind of having a make out session. Oh and its a Monday after school, and yes I was smart and locked the classroom door.

"Well baby girl, I would like you to meet Jessica, So I was wondering if you and I could go for dinner and her and whoever her date is could join us, like a double date." I say while trailing slow kisses down her jaw and to her neck.

"Sounds good, I would like to meet this Jessica and see if I should be worried," She teases before letting out a moan and tilting her head to give me more access. I smile against her neck and continue to kiss her slowly and passionately, letting my hands run from her hips to her lower back and then under her top and up her smothe tight back. I smile with satisfaction as I feel her shiver under my touch, I love this effect I have on her.

"Lucy babe, you should know by now that I only have eyes for you." I say into her ear as I lightly bite down on her earlobe and tug on it playfully. She giggles and lifts a hand to cup my face, she tilts my head up from kissing her neck and She brings her lips back to mine, kissing me slowly. I don't think I will ever get sick of this. Kissing her. She always manages to taste like raspberries or strawberries. And her lips are always so smothe and soft and her tongue always so skilled and playful.

"Oh by the way Katie, my two little brothers are coming over this Saturday and spending the night and then going back home on Sunday afternoon, would you like to meet them? Plus I think I need some help taking care of them." She say pulling back and looking into my eyes smiling.

"Of course I would," I say leaning forward and kissing the tip of her nose lightly. I feel a rush of excitement. I really want to meet her younger brothers and I love little kids, they are always so cute and plus, I'm really good with children.

"Okay Miss Matthews, I really need to go now. I have an English Literature Essay to write for Wednesday, a French Test to study for for Thursday and a Physics test to study for for Friday." She says sighing before leaning forward and giving me one last lingering kiss with a bit of light tongue and then hoping of my desk and skipping out the class room, stopping at the door to unlock it and open it and to blow me a kiss and and to give me on last sexy look.

I smile and shake my head. I love that she can be so adorable and shy, then so playful and childish and then so beautiful, sexy and mature. I puzzles me how she manages to be all three at different times. Still, I feel like I'm eighteen again when I'm with her. I get butterflies in my chest, my heart beats faster and my stomach does flips whenever I'm with her, or when I think about her or when I see her in my classes or in the halls. I had prayed that adults weren't suppose to get these feelings, I thought these feelings were only something teens get. But now I'm getting them, these annoying feelings, and I know I won't fight them though, even though they may get on my nerves, they still exsite me.

I sigh and pull myself out of my thoughts and sit down again and start again with the marking I was doing until Lucy came in and distracted me. Okay, it was a good distraction. I would rather have her distract me then marking grade eleven papers.


"So you and your kid girlfriend can come this Friday?" I heard Jessies voice crackle over the phone.

"She's only five years younger than us Jessie, she's not a kid. And yes, she can come." I say sighing and rolling my eyes.

"Awesomeness. My date is a surprise, so you will have to wait to see who it's gonna be." She says slyly.

"Okay Jess, well, I have to go shower now, email me details and I will see you Friday." I say, smiling at the thought of seeing my amazing bestfriend.

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