Cuteness Overload

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Katies POV (picture of Zac⬆)

I smile and watch Lucy sitting on the park bench next to me. She's excitedly looking towards the parking area, waiting for her little brothers to be dropped off by her aunt, Lara. I turn my gaze forward again and take a sip of my star bucks take away coffee. I notice that Lucy is now the one smiling and watching me. I turn my head and gaze into her eyes.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask playfully, bumping her softly with my shoulder.

"Because you do this cute thing were you narrow your eyes when you sip something hot," She says laughing softly and taking a sip of her own coffee. I smile and shake my head and take another sip while pulling my gaze back forward. Its chilly today with a cool breeze, and Lucy looks really good wearing a pair of tight dark blue skinny jeans and a ice hockey jersey with a light grey bennie and grey vans. I'm wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a stylish light brown winter coat and light Brown knee high boots. I smile as I feel Lucy's smaller hand take mine and her thin smothe fingers slip between mine and her head lean lightly on my shoulder. I love this. Just being close to her. I turn my head and kiss The top of her head lightly and then look forward and take another sip of coffee. I smile as I think of the avents of last night.

Seeing Kyle and Jessica last night had been awesome. Kyle was still the same caring and gentle and kind Kyle, and I loved that he hadn't changed. Jessica was Still the same flirtatious and funny Jess that I have always known, and I was happy that she approved of Lucy. I mean, I wouldn't have given a shit if she didn't approve, but it was nice that after a few minutes Lucy and Jessie started to get comfortable with one another and at the end of the night they were acting just like friends.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel Lucy jump up and shriek with excitement and Sprint towards a fancy Audie that had just pulled up. I grin and stand, and watch as I walk towards the car. The drivers door opens and a very beautiful woman steps out and Lucy runs and throws her arms around the woman's neck and I hear a laugh as the woman wraps her arms around Lucy and gives her a tight hug. After a few seconds they let go of each other and exchange smiles and then they open the back doors and help out two adorable young toddler boys, who I assume are Ashton and Mason. Both the boys literally attack Lucy and I hear her laugh and scoop the smaller up and hug him tight with one arms and with the other arm she hugs the slightly bigger boy who is hugging her legs. I reach the car and smile fondly as I watch the scene. She turns and places the younger one who I am assuming is Mason down, but her still clings to her. She looks up and me and straightens and laughs. She looks truly happy, which makes me feel happy. I love seeing her like this.

"Auntie Lara, this is my girlfriend, Katie Matthews." Lucy says gestering to me.

"Well Its wonderful to meet you Katie," Her aunt says flashing me a beautiful and genuine smile and holding out her hand. Now I see were Lucy gets her looks from, is her whole family attractive? I mean I saw her mom, and this is her dad's sister, meaning that both sides of her family must be pretty attractive.

"And same to you ma'am," I say, smiling and taking Laras hand.

"Please, call me Lara," She says smiling and taking her hand back.

"And Katie, these are my little brothers, Ashton-" she say gestering to the slightly older one,"-and this is Mason." She continues, ruffling the smaller ones hair. Ashton has big green eyes and dark brown hair, were Mason has big blue eyes and sandy hair, but other than that they look the same.

"Boys, this is Katie, say hi." Lucy says, crouching down and looking in her brothers eyes and prointing at me.

"Hi Katie," Ashton says shyly, and Mason just looks at me with big eyes. Flip, both of them are to cute for words.

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