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Katies POV (pic of Storm⬆⬆)

It was Wednesday, and so far in my second week, nothing new has happened between Lucy and I. Right now I'm watching her, and you can't blame me, girl as beautiful as her deserves to be praised. I feel someone watching me, so I snap round and find the source of the gaze. Its Lucy's friend, Storm, and she's smirking at me, as if she knows how I feel about her friend Lucy. I give her a sweet smile and look down at my desk, blushing. I have decided, I don't care if I lose my Job or get sent to prison, never before have I ever felt this way about someone. I want to protect her from the world, I want to hold her when she feels down, I want to be there when she falls so I can pick her up, I want to make her feel like she deserves to feel, loved. Just in several days I have fallen head over heels for this girl, and I haven't even slept with her, never mind kissed her yet. I need to figure out if she actually is into girls, and if she would ever go out with me. I know, she will probably be creeped out because not only am I about 5 years older than her, I am also her teacher. So yes, I am taking a big risk here. I look up again, but this time not to look at Lucy, but at Storm. Storm is really pretty. She has this amazing red hair and these sweet freckles and these beautiful misty grey eyes. I have a feeling she knows I'm checking Lucy out though, today wasn't the first day she's caught me watching Lucy. I wonder if maybe I can try figure some things out through Storm. I look over at Lucy again, only to find her already watching me. I feel my stomach do a little flip, and I give her a small smile, which She returns with a blush. Why on earth is she blushing..?

The bell rings, and I dismis my English class. On Wednesday's English is the last period with the A levels and the last period in which I have to teach, which rocks.

"Storm, would you mind waiting? I would like to talk to you." I call as Storm and my beautiful crush is leaving.

"Sure Miss," she says and adds to Lucy, "see you out side Luce."

"Please take a seat," I say to Storm as soon as the classroom is empty. She pulls a chair up to my desk and sits.

"I see you and Lucy Butler are rather close-" I start, but I get interrupted.

"If you're wondering if we are dating, we aren't. She has her eye on another girl." She says, smiling. Well that just answered all my questions I was going to try and sneakily ask. So she's single, she does like girls and...wait. She has her eye on another girl? My mood dropped like a stone in a pond.

"Do you like her?" I was snapped back to reality with those words. I looked up at Storm who's face was soft and understanding. I didn't say anything, but she got the message.

"Your secrets safe with me." She said softly, smiling. I smiled back at her. She got up to leave and I looked back down at my desk.

"Oh, and by the way? The woman that Lucy has her eye on is you." She said just before she skipped out the door. I froze. Wait what? Lucy likes me? I Sat there for about a minute replaying Storms words and processing them. When they finally sunk in, I smiled.


Its Wednesday yet again. The only contact I've had with Lucy has been in class. I want so badly to be alone with her. I've spoken to Storm more though, and if anything She has become more like a friend than a student. I guess its because I'm young so I connect with my older students more. I know I can trust Storm, and I know she hasn't told Lucy, because Lucy hasn't acted any different than her adorable beautful and perfect self. I love it when we catch each others eyes or when I look up and she's watching me and then she blushes and looks down. She's always on my mind, and I feel nervous and exited just by the thought of seeing her again.

"What the Fuck?!?!?" I hear someone exclaim and I snap out my thoughts as a loud crash sounds in the silence of the pop quiz. I look up to see a startled Lucy on the floor with her chair and all her stuff scattered everywhere.

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