second term

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Katies POV

I can't believe it's second term already. I am going to miss spend every day with Lucy, either drinking Starbucks and talking at the park or ten pin bowling or ice skating with her. Now it's back to school and back to being careful.
I dress in a simple pencil skirt and white blouse and black tomies and tie my hair up in a neat bun and do my usual light amount of make up. I have everything ready, and this time my New class room is completely set up. Lucy helped me get everything ready. Damn it can be useful having an OCD girlfriend.
I pull into the school and I am imidiatly greeted by all my students asking if I had a good holiday. I smile and reply with yes's, and continue on into the school. I find my new classroom and get myself settled in and check my phone and see that I have another ten minutes.
"Umm Miss Matthews? Misses Kinsley would like to see you in her office." I snap my head around and see a nervous eleventh grader girl standing at my door.
"Thank you sweetheart," I say smiling at her and getting up. She blushes and nods and runs off. I frown as soon as She leaves. What on earth does Misses Kinsley want to see me for? I think as I walk out my classroom and down the busy hall towards the office.
"Yes Misses Kinsley, you called for me?" I ask as I peak into her already open office.
"Ahh yes Miss Matthews, please do come in." She says looking up from her computer and closing it. I feel a sudden prickle of fear as I see only seriousness in her eyes and hear only sterness in her voice.
"Close the door, won't you dear? This is quite a serious matter." She says getting up and coming around her desk. I do as she asks and I take a seat when she motions for me to.
"Miss Matthews, a student came to me today and told me some very shocking news...very dangerous news.." She says as she leans on the front of her desk and looks down at me, trying to be intimidating. Does this woman know anything? Me? Intimitades by someone other than Lucy Butler? Never.
"And what news might that be?" I say sitting up straight and crossing my legs and raising two eye brows, showing her that I am in no way intimidated by her.
"As I said, a student came to me this morning and told me something that I would never have thought would happen. I understand that you are young Miss Matthews, but that does not mean you have any right date one of your students." She says sternly. Oh fucking shit. She knows about Lucy and I. But I didn't let my shock show on my face. Instead I leaned back and frowned and cocked my head in confusion.
"I'm sorry Misses Kinsley, but did I hear you right? Me? Dating a student?" I say, letting confusion ring in my tone.
"The student who confronted me with this information told me that he saw you kiss one of your A level students at the airport..." She presses, her eyes searching mine for any reaction that may suggest she is correct. Stay calm Katie, you can deal with this, I think.
"I am very confused Misses Kinsley...I am not dating, let alone interested in any of my students. That is unprofessional and not like me!!" I say pretending to be shocked and offended and standing up. She studies me quietly, and after a few seconds a smile comes to her face and reliefe shows in her expression.
"I believe you Miss Matthews. I didn't believe the rumor but I had to make sure," She says smiling.
"Well this rumor is absurd and very much not true," I say giving her a reassuring smile.
"That is very good to hear," She says laughing with reliefe. Ahaha old woman, I tricked you, I think childishly.
"But just out of curiosity Misses Kinsley, who did this student think he or she saw me kissing?" I ask just as I'm about to leave.
"The students name is Jake and he thought he saw you kissing Lucy...Lucy Butler..."She says frowning when she says Lucy's name.
"Did he now? Well, I have never been into younger students and Lucy is definitly not my type, and she is my student, most important of all." I say giving Misses Kinsley a second reassuring smile.
"Well, that is very good to hear. Have a good term Miss Matthews." She says smiling and I exit. I breath out and close my eyes trying to gather my thoughts. I tricked Misses Kinsley easily, but Lucy and I really need to be more careful. I shouldn't of kissed her in public like that. I wasn't thinking.
I open my eyes and push myself off the wall and make my way back to my classroom. I am a good lier so I know Misses Kinsley believes me. Now I just have to confront Jake and make sure those rumors don't spread, even if they are true rumors. They will destroy any chance of me getting a teaching tob again and I will be put in jail. And its would ruin Lucy's life. I seriously doubt any university would want a student who liked to date their teachers, and she would get teased and bullied by other teenagers. I sigh and take my place in the front of my classroom and call for silence and start my first lesson of my second term here.

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