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Storms POV

I love Max. I swear I do. But I'm inlove with Jessie too. I had realised how much I was in love with her on that holiday at Lucy's beach house. She's sarcastic, smart, funny, fun to be around and Damn hot and sexy.
Then, seeing her at the prom had just confirmed my fears. I am inlove with Jessica. And, even though I knew Katie and Jess are just friends and just pretending to date to cover up Lucy and Katies relationship, seeing Jessie kiss Katie had made a wild beast inside me roar with jealously.
I had been kept awake with guilt the whole of last night. I've been dating Max for nearly five months and I've been his girlfriend for over four months. I'm suppose to only have eyes for him!!
But then I look at Jessie. She's so beautiful and perfect..and it's hilarious how She cares so much and then she can be so sarcastic.
My feelings for Max were strong in the beginning, But slowly the began to fade. I still love him, but now I love him more like a brother and a best friend. I know in order to stop hurting myself and to prevent myself from hurting Max, I need to end our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. I can't go on doing this to him, not when every time we kiss I imagine Its Jessie I'm kissing.


"Hey Baby," Max says hugging me tight before drawing back and handing me a star bucks.
"Hey," I say quietly.
"What's up?" He says, worry crossing his face.
"We just need to talk." I say sighing and leading him over to a bench.
"Should I be worried?" He says jokingly, trying to lighten up the mood.
"No. Yes. I don't know,"I say sighing and shaking my head.
"Storm, what is it?" He says setting down his star bucks and lifting my chin with his thumb so he can look into my eyes.
"Max, I can't do this." I say sharply and pulling my head up. Shit. That came out harsher than I wanted It to.
"What..?" He said quietly and obviously confused.
"I love you Max, I really do, I just don't love you the way you want me to. At first I did, but now I love you like a brother, like a best friend. I promise you that's true." I say gently, finally looking up into his beautiful dark eyes.
"What did I do?" He said, hurt obviously in his voice.
"You did nothing. You are perfect and so loveable, and I still want to have a relationship with you, just not a boyfriend girlfriend relationship." I say cupping his face with my one hand. He nods and catches my hand with his and kisses my palm.
"I will always be here for you Storm, but not for a little bit. I'm still inlove with you even if you don't feel the same about me. It may take me a while, but I will come back when I'm ready to be your friend again." He says softly, and My heart breaks at the pain in his voice.
"I understand. And I'm sorry Max." I say. We hold eachother for a little bit before I kiss his cheek and say goodbye and leave him on the park bench and get in my car and make my way to Miss Matthews, well, Katies house.


Katies POV

"Hello?" I say frowning opening the door, and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise when I see who it is.
"Hey Miss Matthews, I'm sorry to bother you but I really need to talk to you." Storm says. She looks like she's about to cry, which is a strange look for Storm, she's always so strong and confident.
"Sure sure, come in Storm." I say imidiatly and stepping to the side, my voice filled with worry.
"Thanks Miss M," She says gratefully, walking in past me.
"Please Storm, call me Katie." I say shutting the door and following her to the lounge.
"I'll bring us some coffee. You wait here and have a seat," I say gestering to the couch before heading to the kitchen.
I return a few minutes later with two coffees and hand one to her and take a seat next to her, turning my body so I can look at her. I place a hand on her leg and cock my head with curiosity and concern. She's looking down at her hands which are in her lap, her fingers fidgeting with one another. She looks nervous. This is very unlike Storm. She's always the smiling and happy one, always joking and messing around and a generally strong person. But now? She's nervous, as if her walls she built up and crumbling down.
"Storm honey, I can see something's wrong. Talk to me sweaty," I say, my other hand tilting her head up so I can look her in the eyes.
"I don't know where to begin.." She says looking back down at her hands.
"As your teacher and as a friend, I am telling you that you can trust me. Just talk." I say, giving her a reassuring smile as She glances up at me.
"I love him. Max. I really do, just not in the way I should. He's a great guy, but I love him more like a brother and a friend rather than a boyfriend." She says after a pause. I smile to myself. I saw this coming a while ago.
"And have you told him?" I ask.
"Yes. A hour ago." She says quietly. I frown. There's something else she wants to tell me.
"What else is there?" I question.
"I've fallen for someone else." She says looking up.
"Do you want to tell me who?" I say. Ok I didn't see this coming. Please don't tell me you've fallen for me or Lucy..that would be problematic.
"I've..I've kinda fallen for Jessie.." She says. My eye brows shoot up in shock.
"No. Not kinda. I know I've fallen for Jessie. Seeing her last night in that dress looking so God Damn beautiful confirmed it for me. I've had feelings for her since you and Lucy first introduced us, and at first I thought it was admiration but when we went on that holiday to Lucy's beach house I knew it was something more." She says in one go. She has obviously been keeping this for a while.
"I completely understand honey. Jessie would be perfect for you, and she needs someone as strong as her, and quite frankly you seem to be that person.." I say truthfully. It is true. Jessica needs to be with someone who will pick her up when she falls, someone who is strong enough to put up with her shit, and Storm is that someone. Strange how I didn't realise it before..
"Do you really think so?" Storm asks, surprised and obviously hopeful. I smile and nod.
"Thank you Katie.." She says hugging me.
"No problem sweaty, you can come talk anytime."I say chuckling and wrapping my arms around her.
I say goodbye after an hour of talking about Jessie and Lucy with Storm. The more I talk to Storm the more I realise how she is so Jessies Type..she funny, sarcastic, really pretty and she has a grate laugh and body..
Eventually, Storm says she has to go and tell Lucy and then probably call Jessie and ask to meet up, and I smile and wish her good luck.
As soon as she leaves, I shut the front door and run to my phone and call Jessica.
"What do you want?" I hear her answer after several rings.
"Are you single?" I ask rolling my eyes at her bluntness.
"Kat you're the first person I would tell if I was seeing someone. Yes, I'm single. Why?" She says.
"If you had to chose someone to date that we both know, who would it be?"
"Uhhhh...probably Storm because she's smoking hot and my type and right now I'm over guys. Why?"
"Yes! Ok bye Jess. Call me when it happens." I yell before hanging up. I ignore the next few calls from Jess and the text messages saying, "Katie Wtf?!" and "Katie what are you going on about?" and "the fuck wrong wit you? Why were you taking me those questions?!". The messages stop after a while and then a few a hours after that I get a:

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