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Nandini's POV:

I came home to an angry-looking Anny.


She's gonna kill me!!!!!

I totally forget about our plan to go to the mall.

"Before you say anything, I was at the cafe. I had a coffee with Mr Brown Eyes." I said in a rush, hoping to divert her mind and I was indeed right.

Good job, Nandini!

"Oh my god, tell me everything, did you kiss him? What did he say? Are you meeting him again?" She got up from the couch and pounce on me before I could even sit my ass down.

"Woah! Slow down, let me at least breathe," I chuckled and sat down on the couch, she sat down beside me.

"I just ran into him and he invited me for a cup of coffee. We just hung out," I replied casually so that it didn't seem like a big deal.

"Well, go on.” She urged me with the curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"Well nothing, we said our goodbyes and left.'" I shrugged and started playing with the ends of my crop top. She wasn't convinced and narrowed her eyes at me, suspiciously.

God, I could never keep anything from this woman.

"Alright, he gave me his number and told me to call him when I reached." I smiled shyly, not meeting her eyes and she screeched in delight.

"What are you waiting for? Call him." She clapped her hand excitedly, ready to play matchmaker.


"Not gonna happen," I said in a firm tone.

"C'mon, I haven't seen him yet but from the way you react, I can see he has got your attention so why don't you put yourself out of misery and give him a damn call," she rolled her eyes and fell back on the couch.

"He might be a fuck boy for I know. He is just looking for some fun." I replied quietly, thinking about all the girls fawning over him.

"Well, if that's the case, even you aren't ready for a relationship, why don't you have some fun? With him," she suggestively winked at me and I gasped.

Is she's on drugs?

"I cannot believe you are even suggesting it. Don't you know me? Fuck! It's such a horrible idea and you know it." I gave her a disgusting look and she giggled at my response.


"Awww, my sweet little virgin." She teased me, making my cheeks go all red in embarrassment and I smacked her arm.

"Let's go out and have some real fun." I tried to change the subject before she could tease me further.

"Yes ma'am." She was more than ready to go and we both left the house shortly.

After what seemed like three hours of endless shopping and fun, we were exhausted and tired. Once we reached home, I headed to my room and took a mini nap.

The loud ringing of my phone woke me up. I answered groggily not seeing the caller ID.

"Hey, Nandini," I recognised the voice immediately.

"Aryaman??" I sounded in surprise.

"Yeah, it's me. I was hoping if I could come by and hang out." He sounded hesitant.

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