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Inline comments are love!❤

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Inline comments are love!❤

Happy Reading!

Manik's POV:

She stepped out of the room after getting ready in my new shirt as I ripped the one she was wearing after the bath.

"Let's go and now no wasting time in teasing me as we're already so damn late." She strictly instructed me, waggling her finger at me.

"Okay, Ma'am." I bowed to her, making her chuckle.

Then we finally left for breakfast.

I was driving the car and then I glanced at her and found her lost, staring at the phone's screen.

"What happened, baby girl?" I asked curiously.

She pouted and showed me her phone, "see, this picture is looking so cool. But I'm not sure about posting it. I mean I want to post it and write it that my man clothes suit me better, but at the same time I'm feeling so shy about it." She explained to me her problem innocently and I kept gazing at her. She blushed and bit her lower lip, feeling my intense gaze.

This act of her turned me on and I immediately applied the brake, halting the car. She narrowed her brows at me, having no clue what she has done to me.

"You're going to be a death of me, baby girl." Saying this, I yanked her to myself by grabbing her hair before pressing my lips on her plumpy lips, capturing them for a passionate kiss. Without having a second thought, she responded to me with equal passion.

I can never get over her.

I love her so much.

She came over my lap, devouring my lips and her arms wrapped around my neck. I pulled her closer to myself, holding her waist before grinding myself against her crotch, driving her insane.

Breaking the kiss, I cupped her face in my palm. We both were panting heavily due to our kiss. Our heartbeats were syncing with each other and we both are gazing at each other with the same passion.

"Damn, I love you." I breathed on her lips, capturing it again.

She moaned as I nibbled down her neck after leaving her lips.

"MANIK MALHOTRA, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Mom's voice from the phone startled us and I immediately pulled away.

What the fuck! Mom?

"Shit." She instantly cut her call.

The phone is in her hand and she had picked it up by mistake.


"Baby girl, I know I just said that you're going to be a death of me but I didn't mean like this." I sarcastically said, pointing my finger at her phone.

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