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Inline comments are love!❤

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Inline comments are love!❤

Happy Reading!

Manik's P.O.V.

I was setting my hair, standing in front of the mirror as I was getting ready for my birthday party which Dad has kept for me.

Well, it seems like they have been planning for my birthday for a really long time because when my baby girl and I came back home pretty late last night, my parents and friends were waiting for us in the drawing room itself with teasing smiles, of course.


"Thank god, you guys finally graced this house with your presence. Now I can die peacefully after having this delicious dessert." As soon as we stepped inside the house, hand in hand, we heard the not-so-sweet voice of my friend Cabir, who was apparently standing in front of the table with the cake in his hand.

I shook my head at his dramatic comment and walked towards them while others laughed at his words.

"You should have told me this earlier. I would have stuffed the whole bakery shop in your mouth to get relief from you." I answered in a matter-of-fact tone, standing in front of him with my girl beside me.

"You're so mean." He pouted at me and before I could react Rosy smacked the back of his head saying, "Stop your drama, idiot," making us laugh as he whined in annoyance.

"You're not his baby girl, whose pout is going to work on him. So chuck it because you're looking like a joker." Ashley commented, giving a tight-lipped smile to Cabir before winking at us, making us giggle while he just gave us a disbelief look.

"Well, why do you get so late buddy?" Jack asked, and I saw everyone suddenly giving us the same-annoying-teasing expression.

"Babe, he was having his birthday celebration," Rosy commented, giving a quick wink towards my girl, making her blush.


"Ros-" I was about to shut her up but got startled hearing the statement of my beloved mother.

"Without us?" Mom asked, making an innocent face and making both of our eyes widen.

Yes, my mother literally asked this, while putting on the most convincingly innocent face.

Before even we could cope with the embarrassment another one came right across my face, non-other than my not so beloved oldy.

"Baby, by seeing their flushed faces and their condition, do you really think they need someone else there?" Dad teased, rolling his tongue in his mouth before eyeing both of us from head to toe and making us conscious as we both tried to fix our clothes, and for god knows why others just burst out in laughter seeing us and embarrassed us more.

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