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Inline comments are love!❤

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Inline comments are love!❤

Happy Reading!

Nandini's POV:

"Loyal son? Don't try to act innocent Malhotra!" Mom said, twisting his ear and then she chided him, "why did you leave yesterday without informing my princess? Do you have any idea how scared she was for you?"

I smiled widely hearing her words.

Aww, she's taking my side. She is so cute.

"Mom, ask your daughter, it wasn't my fault." He whined like a baby and looked at me.

"Why are you showing your teeth? Take my side." He said, making faces and making me giggle.

"Yes, Mom, he had left the note and even made it up to me." I defended him. Well, he was not at fault. Isn't it?

He had left such a sweet note for me. I felt guilty after reading it yesterday.

"Princess, don't fall for his charm. This Malhotra duo is the same. Highly irresponsible, workaholic creatures!" Mom said, passing a glare at dad while dad looked at her in disbelief having a, 'What was my fault?' expression. I tried hard to control my laugh, seeing his scared face.

"Mom," Manik poked.

"What?" She asked, irked.

"She has already fallen for me. Now it's too late." Saying this Manik rushed towards the dining table. My eye's widened, hearing his words and I felt my cheeks turning red.

"So it means you didn't scold him, Princess?" Now she asked, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Nope, she kissed me and engulfed me in her warm arms," Manik shouted before I could answer and a sheepish smile flashed on my face.

Can he for once keep his sexy mouth shut?

"I showed my anger but it wasn't his fault Mom. Please, don't scold him." I defended him again, while he is busy checking out the breakfast.


"You're utterly smitten with him." Mom shook her head in utter disbelief and Dad chuckled.

"He is worth it." Unknowingly these words slipped out of my mouth. I blushed when I saw mom staring at me with a teasing smile.

Shit! He is literally rubbing off on me and making me shameless like him.

"I thought someone was angry at me. But look here my favourite breakfast. Nice." Manik squealed, smiling at mom.

"How can a Mom stays angry with her son?" She said, strolling towards him.

"I love you so much," Manik said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and placing his head on her shoulder. She just smiled, ruffling his hair.

"I love you more, my life." She replied, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

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