part 2

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Walking into this deserted place I start to hear music. 'Was this a party?' i asked myself. I seen compress pull out his marbles and use his quirk to show that they were bombs. I was shocked they where going to kill people.

I looked at dabi in shocked. Dabi didn't look at me, instead he went into the party. I tried to follow him but got held back by Toga. "Let me go-"

"Wait y/n we are on a mission."

I look at her surprised. Dabi never told me this.

"Come on silly we gotta plant these bombs."

Kurogiri and Shigaraki was nowhere to be seen. I was worried on what they were planning. I did as toga told me and took three bombs. They where a little small so it was easy to sneak around. I get inside the party. I start planting the bombs hoping to not get noticed.

I climb a ladder up to the second floor. Which was more like a balcony and I start to plant a bomb. While im doing that i see Dabi talking to a woman. He seemed to be flirting with her. This made me feel upset. I was pissed, more hurt then sad. I plant the last bomb and give the signal to the others. The party and everything stopped.

You could hear people asking whats happening. Then a light turns on and shows Shigaraki standing there. The people waited in silence.

"You guys are going to make great Nomus !" Shigaraki laughs maniacally. A portal opens and I take it our time to go. I get back and see Dabi and the group. Shigaraki press a button. And i hear a loud boom coming from the abandon place.

"Job well done team!" Twice says giving a thumbs up.

"Are they dead?" I asked

"No." Dabi says

Shigaraki smiles and looks back at you and Dabi. "See those were not just regular bombs. No no no they were sleeping gas they will sleep for a long time. It will be enough to turn them into Nomus." Shigaraki scratches his neck. "Yes its all coming to plan." He mumbles.

We get back and i suddenly feel tired. I go to the room and collapse on the bed.

"Tired are we sweet heart?" Dabi asked. I could feel his eyes looking me up and down. I wouldn't lie, it did make me feel some type away.

But i remember him flirting with that other woman. I ignored him and tried to fall asleep. Then I feel something grab my leg and pulling me off the bed hard.

I hit the floor and almost broke my noise. Luckily I didnt get a noise bleed.

"Oww, why you do that dabi-"

I feel him grab my neck lefting me up. I struggle to breathe.

"Answer me when I'm talking to You, understand." He slight squeeze tighter.

"Yes...Yes I understand!" I yell tears falling down my face.

Dabi lets go and I fall to the floor. Trying to breath I stared at him thinking about how i could ever love this monster. Dabi goes to the bathroom, i slowly get up and start to change and get ready for bed. I lay down, trying not to cry.

It hurts, feeling this way, crying ever night and for what. I deserved this, if i just obeyed Dabi maybe he could love me. Nothing i did ever seemed enough. What if im not trying hard enough to please him. I start to crying even though i try not to. The pain is just to much. I slowly start to feel exhausted.

I hear the bathroom door open and feel the light shining from it. I cover my mouth to hide my weeps and wipe my eyes. I hear Dabi changing and coming close to the bed. He lays down and falls a sleep. I turn to see him, he looks so peaceful and soft. I want to touch his dark hair, but refram from doing so afraid i might wake him up. I look down to see his chest, i could see his muscles look down more he has a big burn mark on his stomach.

Dabi never talked about his past with me and I always wondered what was his life like. I dont even know if he has siblings. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I start feel movement on the bed. Then i hear crys. I wake up and hearing Dabi screaming. I look over to see dabi still asleep. 'Is he having a nightmare?' I ask myself.

"Please i can still be useful." Dabi cries out. "DAD!!!"

I pull Dabi close to me laying his head on my chest.

"Dabi its okay." I softly rub his head. I hold him tightly giving him kisses on his head. He slowly starts to calm down.

He wraps his arms around me holding me. It felt nice having him hold me.

Whatever his past must have really affected him badly. I have never seen Dabi like this. I felt bad, wonder was his childhood not the best. I wanted to protect him for some reason. And give him kisses to make all the bad dreams go away. I dont know why...

Im so use to seeing him act so tough and cold. Seeing him this way makes me question his actions before and why his like this. Maybe his childhood is the reason for his coldness and heartlessness.

Its starts to get peaceful againg and I can hear Dabi's silent snores. I give him one last kiss and drift back to sleep.

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