His Secret Garden [Sakazuki x GN!Reader]

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For TransponderSnail

Canon Universe

Prompt: Reader can't stop thinking about Sakazuki but they're nervous because he's their superior. He teases them a lot.

This piece is on the softer side (especially in regards to Sakazuki), but I like how it turned out. Reader doesn't constantly think about Sakazuki and his teasing is pretty... subtle? I tried my best :P I hope you like it


"Come on out~"

Your voice broke through the usual background noise of mid-day, rising above the keening of the cicadas and the sleepy chirping of the crickets.

"Come here, my babies~"

You scanned the bushes and hedges lining the patch of grass you were standing in. The soft rustle of leaves and some low squelching sounds brought a smile to your face.

"There you are!~"

You lifted the watering can and began slowly pouring it at your feet.

"How's that, my lovelies?~"

More rustlings and squelching sounds were accompanied by many low pitched, barely audible hums. Your smile widened. You only heard the humming when they were completely at ease.

You lifted the can higher so the arc of falling water covered a larger swathe of grass.

"That's better, isn't it?~"

The small creatures moved slowly into the refreshing shower. With a deft tilt of your hand you shifted the watering can so the droplets cascaded off their shells, creating a multitude of tiny rainbows.

"Freddy, you're looking especially effervescent today."

A pair of eyes on violet stalks waved in your general direction.

"Ioko, I can tell you've been in the brambles again. They're all over your back."

You bent down and brushed off the twigs sticking to a maroon carapace, enjoying how smooth the surface felt against your fingertips.

"There you go~ Does that feel better?~ I bet I does~"

You stood and returned your focus to watering, or rather, to bathing, since that's what this really was.

Today was Bath Day for the Navy's Den Den Mushis.

You swayed the watering can back and forth in slow arcs as the crowd of snails grew around your feet.

"That's it. Come on everybody~" you called across the garden.

Your garden.

The large green space tucked away at the base of the Marineford palace was as quiet and as peaceful as the militaristic island could get. It was on the opposite side of the base from the other gardens used by the cooks. It wasn't really even supposed to be a garden. But ever since you'd been assigned here, you'd slowly worked away to make it your own.

Your perfect little oasis where no one bothered you.

For the most part.

A bell chime, sharp and clear, broke through your thoughts.

"Ah!" you gasped and dropped the watering can.

It hit the patio stones that edged the grassy yard with a deafening clatter. A little red snail with a swirly shell made its eyestalks stiffen up in alarm as the metal can landed inches from it.

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