One Year Later [Paulie x Fem!Reader]

369 20 5

For Axmbleh

Canon Universe

Prompt: Paulie finally gets the courage to ask Reader on a date!

I got a little angsty here. Just a bit.

I always look back at the characters of Water 7 and see them all happy and whatnot, but there had to have been a rough bit where everyone was dealing with the aftermath of the whole Enies Lobby incident. So here's what my brain came up with.


"We are arriving at Blue Station! Blue Station! Please don't forget to check your seats before you go, folks! Don't leave anything behind! But if you do we have lost and found offices at every station!"

You spoke into the receiver that was broadcasting your voice down the aisles.

"Single file, please! Let's all be respectful! Blue Station! We will be stopping here for about twenty minutes to allow for the staff to change over. We ask that you remain patient. We are arriving at Blue Station!"

The planks under your feet gave the slightest shudder as the sea train slowed and finally halted. As soon as the passenger car stilled (and you heard Kokoro's whistle), you flung the door open wide and leapt onto the platform.

"Welcome to Water 7, the famous ship building city!" you unfolded the steps and the first passengers began to disembark, "The restaurants and shopping district are located on the main thoroughfare and the yagara bull rental offices are down the canal to the right as soon as you leave the station."

You stepped back and adjusted the large bulbous cap identifying you as a sea train Attendant.

"We hope you enjoyed your travels on the Puffing Tom!" you smiled as the line of people getting off at Water 7 thinned and then finished, "And we hope to see you again!"

You eyed the crowd of people waiting in line further down the platform. Normally you would have to hurry to grab something to eat before ushering the new passengers onto the sea train.

But not tonight.

"Y/n! Y/n! Here's your bag!"

You turned just in time to catch the pack as it came flying at your head.

"Thanks, Chimney."

You smiled down at the little girl, chuckling at the way her long blonde pigtails stuck out from either side of her head. She beamed up at you and gave you a white-gloved salute, which you returned.

"As Sunday stationmaster of the Shift Station, I banish you from the sea train until your vacation is over!" she declared.

"Hehe, aww but what if I wanted to travel on my time off?"

"Nope! You gotta stay put and relax! Granny said so!"

"Oh, did she now-"

A flash of blue interrupted you. Something crashed into your leg, bounced off, and then settled on the pavement beside Chimney.


"See you, Gonbe," you bent down to pat the blue rabbit on his head, "Make sure Chimney stays out of trouble."

"Nya nya!"

With a giggle and a quick hug Chimney and her 'cat' dashed off down the platform, almost running headlong into a short, slightly tubby figure climbing down from the train.

"Sorry, Granny!" the girl barely paused as she continued down toward the engine of the Puffing Tom.

"Nagagaga, be careful Chimney."

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