Unwavering [X Drake x Fem!Reader] Part 2

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image by @QTgEjYRkHRNG4Jk on twitter

For Cerisehood336

Canon Universe

Prompt: Drake secretly plans anniversary celebrations while Reader thinks he has forgotten

Little bit of lemon. Little bit of kink.

Spoiler warning if you haven't caught up to the anime, I guess?

"Move it, shorty. I can reach that part," you grunted.

The Ensign jumped and sent a terrified glance over his shoulder.

"Uh, su-sure thing," he stammered before sidling out of your way.

You lifted the broom and batted away the cobwebs hanging in the dingy corner of the supply room.

"How the fuck does this place get so dirty?" you grumbled as you swept the broom along a rafter, "I swear these spiders are unnaturally prolific."

You adjusted the bandana wrapped around your face and ran your eyes over your work, searching for more dust and grime.

"And today of all days," you continued your grumbling, "I mean, couldn't this wait until tomorrow? What if Drake's looking for me?"

He should be looking for me.

"Um... why is she here again?" you heard a scrubby looking recruit whisper to the Ensign.

"I don't know! Shhhh!"

You rolled your eyes and shot a glance over at the group of younger Marines sharing your clean-up duty. The boys were all cowering in a corner far away from you.

"Because I may, or may not, have punched that bastard Onigumo in the face."

You let out a chuckle into the shocked silence that followed.

"You what?!"

"And they made you clean with us as a punishment?"

"Shouldn't that be grounds for dismissal?"

"He was talking shit," you shrugged, "The idiot thought his armament was stronger than mine. Pff!"

You swept along another rafter, shaking loose a cloud of dust.

"So... was he stronger?"

You whirled around, fixing a glare on the blond boy who'd spoken. He winced and pulled his hat down over his eyes.

"Absolutely not!" you snapped, "And he's got a broken nose now, for putting me through that trouble."

They gawked at you, fear and confusion mixing with awe.

"Y-you punched a Rear Admiral in the face...? And all they did was put you on cleaning duty?"

Your frown flipped to a smirk.

"Let this be a lesson to you youngsters," you swung your broom around, scattering the bits of web you'd removed from the ceiling all over the floor, "Get as strong as you can, and then get stronger! Make yourself indispensable to the Marines! Then even Sengoku won't want to fire your ass when you pull stupid stunts like me."

You winked at the baffled faces staring up at you, then you brandished your broom again.

"Come on! I have to lead drills in an hour! Move your butts!"

The group scattered, lifting their arms to cover their heads as dust rained down on them.

"Argh! Okay, but stop spraying spiderwebs everywhere!"

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