After [Kyoshiro x Fem!Reader]

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For AbyssCronica

Canon Universe

Prompt: Kyoshiro x Reader, Reader is not from Wano.

At long last! The final request!

I mostly just had fun with this. It might be confusing, sorry (^-^'). This was another one where I let the story get away from me a bit and it reads like a portion of a much longer story. But I hope it's entertaining and worth the read (and worth the request).

There are more notes at the end (particularly about the devil fruit powers)


The only thing you believed in in this life was Luck. And the only kind of Luck you believed in was Bad Luck.

When your home village was ransacked by pirates and everyone you knew and loved was killed. Bad Luck.

When the only boat left unsunk in the harbour was a teeny tiny dinghy that could barely stay afloat. Bad Luck.

Getting shipwrecked on a deserted island. Bad Luck.

Slowly starving to death. Bad Luck.

When you found some food, a weird looking fruit, and carefully portioned it out, trying to make it last as long as possible, only to take the first bite and find out it was the most disgusting thing you'd ever tasted. Bad Luck.

Trying to swim away from the island, only to find your limbs unresponsive in the water. Bad Luck.

Nearly drowning until the waves spat you back out on the beach. Bad Luck.

When a ship finally passed close enough to see you... only for you to discover they were slavers. Bad Luck.

When that ship was hit by a terrible storm and sunk. Bad Luck.

So, when you opened your eyes to find yourself very much alive and laying on a pristine sandy beach, you knew better than to be happy about the situation.


"Hold your arm higher!"

"Sorry, Ma'am."

Beng~ Beng~

"Straighten that fan!"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Peng~ Peng~

"Don't put your foot at that angle! Do you want our customers to think we're one of those edgetown whorehouses?! This is Onigashima! Our Pleasure District is the best in all of Wano!"

You gritted your teeth and tried to pull up the falling corners of your mouth.

"... no, Ma'am."


The wizen old matron lifted her walking stick and wacked it across your knuckles. The notes of the shamisen twanged against your eardrums.

"Don't drop your hand!"

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