In Good Hands [Cracker x GN!Reader]

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For TopButtMunch

Canon Universe

Prompt: Cracker and Reader happen upon each other in public, a chat-up ensues/ Anything with Cracker

I went for the 'anything with Cracker' ;P I also took massive inspiration for Cracker from Ammo's own writing <3

Is purplet a word? It's going to be a word.

Your brow furrowed as you ran the cloth up and down the blade, taking great care to keep your fingers away from its deathly sharp edge.

Outside, golden light covered the town in the calmness of evening. You enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. It was rare that this place was so quiet.

And it never lasted long.

A chime broke the silence.

"Customer~ A customer!~" the oddly sentient bells sang in high-pitched voices.

You looked up from your perch behind the high counter.

"Welcome, sir!" you flashed a smile, "What can I do for you today?"

The man was tall, extraordinarily so. But in the month since you'd arrived here you'd already grown accustomed to the incredible variety of peoples that lived in Totoland. His get-up was a little odd though. Were those crackers hanging from his... kilt? And that certainly was a massive sword hanging at his waist.

"Is there more than one reason someone would come in here?" he snapped, scowling at you from the doorway.

Your eyes locked on the long purple tresses hanging loose around his shoulders. Even from across the salon you could see the terrible state of his split ends. It must have been months since he'd had them taken care of... maybe even a year.

"Yes, actually," you put away the scissors you had been sharpening, "I do cuts, washes, dye-jobs, and stylings. What do you want?"

The man eyed you. He crossed his arms over his bare chest, shifting the weird pauldron thing covering his right shoulder and the pink polka-dotted cape hanging from it.

"You're bit disrespectful, aren't you?" he cocked an eyebrow.

You blinked at him.

"Um... I didn't mean to be," you looked him over again, trying to determine if you were supposed to know who this was.

Being the main financial district in Totoland, Kinko Island was always full of high-class representatives from all over Big Mom's territory. And there was a big to-do up at the castle tomorrow and the town was swarming with business men and women looking for last minute haircuts. You assumed this guy was one of them, but you didn't recognize him from any of the dignitaries that usually hung around Charlotte Noisette.

"Apologies if I offended you, sir," you bowed your head, "How may I serve you today?"

He frowned down at you, then let out a sigh and shrugged.

"Apparently I need a cut," he stalked to a row of salon chairs and sat down in the nearest one.

You nodded and secured your apron around your waist. Business mode on. As you approached, he carefully removed his sword and leaned it against the wall. You were glad you hadn't had to ask him to do that.

"It's easier working with wet hair," you grabbed the arm of the chair and briskly turned him around to face the mirrors lining the wall, "Would you like a wash as well?"

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