A Good Day at Work [Killer x Fem!Reader]

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For AmaiYuki6 (hope you're doing okay, honey <3)

Modern AU

Prompt: Killer in a Modern AU :P

Just a cutesy, fluffy OS. I tried to use this as practice for writing banter. I still need to work on dialogue, as I am incredibly socially awkward in real life I have trouble making things seem natural in my writing. But hopefully it's at least passable :P

Also Reader is a bit of an oblivious one, but in a good way?



You closed your eyes and brought your hands up to rub your temples.

"I just went on break, Perona," you groaned.

The pinkette stormed through the beaded curtain in a flurry of clacking sounds and frilly skirts.

"Well you'll have to take it later!" she whisper-shouted at you, shaking her parasol threateningly, "Those freaks are back and no one else will come into the store until they're gone!"

You groaned again and kept your butt firmly planted in your favourite beanbag chair.

"Then help them out and they'll leave faster," you frowned up at her, "I'm not the only employee here."

Perona planted her fists on her hips and stamped her foot. You grimaced at the telltale signs of her usual tantrum.

"I've tried!" she snapped, her Gothic black and pink dress swaying as she leaned over you, "They completely ignored me! And they are so not cute!"

When you remained unfazed she changed her expression. Her eyes became glassy, her brow furrowed. You huffed and averted your gaze, trying to delay the inevitable.

"Well that's better than actually growling at you," you muttered, "Or did they insult you last time? I can't remember."

Perona leaned down further and flicked you in the forehead. Hard.

"Ouch!" you glared up at her, "What was that for?!"

"Get out there and take care of them," she puffed out her cheeks in a pout and twirled her parasol over her shoulder, "They were asking for you."

You blinked.


She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You can take an extra long break later, I promise I won't tell," she nodded as if she were granting you a generous gift.

You sat there for a few more seconds. Her pout got more intense. You wondered how big her cheeks could get. Unfortunately, you didn't have the heart to find out.

"Ugh! Fine!" you heaved yourself up, "But I want an extra large smoothie for this too."

"Strawberry banana. I got you," Perona chirped, her mood doing its completely predicted one-eighty.

You couldn't fight your smile, even as you let out an exasperated sigh.

"Thanks, Ronny," you winked over your shoulder.

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