Unwavering [X Drake x Fem!Reader] Part 1

361 19 42

For TeresaLpez242

Canon Universe

Prompt: Drake being drunk and flirting with Reader

So I got 3 requests for Drake and decided to make them into a 3 part story. Because of this I had to tweak the prompts a little, but the inspiration should be pretty obvious.

"Here, let me-! Argh! Don't drop it!"

"I'm sorry!"

You snatched the large bottle back before it crashed to the ground. It was quite heavy, though you'd never admit that, and you wobbled a bit as you made your way carefully over to the table.

"You almost broke it!" you snapped, "Do you know how hard it was to sneak this out?"

"I said I'm sorry!" the boy pouted as he brushed his ginger hair out of his downcast eyes.

Your frown switched to a smirk.

"Well, it's no surprise you couldn't hold it with those noodle arms," your chuckle was slightly out of breath as you set the bottle down, "Aren't boys supposed to be bigger and stronger than girls?"

His cheeks flushed and he glared at you from under the brim of his too-large marine hat.

"I will be!" he exclaimed, his little fists clenched at his sides, "I'm going to be a big, strong Marine that can protect everyone!"

You chuckled again and used your sleeve to wipe some lint off the bottleneck. The small window in your secret hideaway, tucked in the back of a rarely used storage shed, let in the light of the setting sun, which lit up the dark blue glass and made it sparkle like the ocean.

"Of course you will, Dory," you nodded, "And so will I. Criminals will cower in fear when they hear our names! Just like our parents!"

A determined spark flashed in his eyes and he gave a firm nod.

"And tonight, we're going to swear it," you finished.

Drake blinked. You smiled widely at him, excitement and determination filling you so full you were trembling.

"Tonight we're going to promise each other that we're going to become the strongest, bravest Marines in the whole world!"

Drake eyed you, then eyed the bottle.

"We don't need to drink to swear that, Y/n," he said, "We'll get in big trouble if anyone finds us..."

You scoffed and produced two small cups from your pockets.

"This is how the grown-ups do it," you nodded your head wisely, "I heard that Fleet Admiral Kong drinks with everyone who reaches Vice Admiral to make sure of their loyalty. You can't break a promise made over cups of sake."

Drake continued to stare dubiously at the cups. His hand lifted to adjust the brim of his father's old hat. You rolled your eyes and slapped a hand on his back. He stumbled forward and caught himself on the table. The bottle wobbled and you lunged forward to save it.

"Dory!" you snapped.

"Sorry!" he stammered as he found his footing.

You let out a sigh and pulled on the cork, quickly filling the two cups before he could knock everything flying again.

"Here," you lifted your sake.

After a moment's hesitation, Drake did the same. You gave him a smile. His cheeks flushed and he looked away.

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