A Bored Barnacle [Law x Fem!Reader]

252 11 4

For Juerus

Canon Universe

Prompt: A Law x Reader where they have a sparring match. Reader is a Straw Hat. They're on the way to Dressrosa. Platonic/Allies.

So this one was a challenge :P I find it hard to write characters that are more fleshed out in canon (i.e. the Straw Hats and Law), since its way easier to accidently go OOC with them. But it's good to work your writing muscles every once in a while. Even so, I kept this one relatively short (especially during the action). So here goes!

I tried my best with the fight scenes, I hope this was the style Juerus wanted.

You frowned and brought your hand to your chin.



You tilted your head to one side, and then to the other side.


"What are you staring at?!"

You stepped back and lifted your hands, framing your subject between your palms. Your frown deepened. And then your eyes widened.

"Aha!" you shouted, "I've got it!"

"What the hell do you have?! Stay away from me!"

You chuckled and lifted a bag full of hair scrunchies and barrettes that you'd scavenged from Nami's drawer.

"Come on, Caesar," you smiled, "Let's make you look cool!"



The wind whispered quietly through the shrouds overhead. The sun was warming your shoulders and the grass of the Sunny's deck was tickling your bare feet.

"~Hm hmm hmhm hmmmm~" you hummed a very unmusical tune as you ran your fingers through the long strands of a certain clown's dark hair.

"Get off me! This is humiliating! I'm a world class scientist! A genius! I deserve your respect!"

You grinned as you gathered Caesar's hair into a rather clumsy braid and then pinned it with a big red bow.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me!"

You moved your attention to a lopsided ponytail sticking out of the side of his head and gave it a hearty yank to straighten it.


"What's so noisy over here? Keep it down!" Nami's voice rang out.

You looked over your shoulder as her shadow loomed over you.

"Hey, Nami. Check it out! Doesn't Caesar look cool now?"

She looked over the spiky, messy, conglomeration of black hair.



"Are those... mine?"

You felt a sudden disturbance in the force.

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