"Hot Shot"

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Sgt Grey POV:
We got three new rookies today, I have a bad feeling about one, I know this is just his mid-life crisis. The other is West's son, I have to make him a good cop because I know West will be mad and I might get fired if he fails. The other rookie I have a good feeling about, she exceeded in the academy and I've heard very good things about her.
I walk into roll call and introduce the new rookies, Lopez got West (the chief's son), Bishop got Nolan  (the mid-life crisis), and Bradford got Chen (the hotshot).

Lucy Chen POV:
I'm so excited to become a cop, the excitement ahhhh I can't wait, I even got a head start on my shift, an arrest before I even got to the department. I knew the other rookies from the academy, Jackson and John.
Sgt Grey made Officer Bradford my TO, I was very excited to start working with him.

Tim Bradford POV:
I got my new rookie today, "the hotshot" she seems so excited, wrong energy, she doesn't know what she's getting into.
I decided to give her my first TimTest. While on the road I slammed on the brake and yelled, "I'VE BEEN SHOT, WHERE ARE WE BOOT?!" She extends her seatbelt and leans out of the window, she didn't even know. First test, failed.

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