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Lucy Chen POV:
We pulled up to an assault call. There was a man with a black eye and behind him was a broken window. He said that someone drove up and threw a rock at him, he fell and that's how he got the black eye. But I had a bad feeling about him, like maybe he was the one who assaulted someone else. The witness said that they heard gunshots, but he didn't say anything about that. But I couldn't tell my TO because if I'm wrong he'll probably just say that I waisted our time.
I said I had to go to the bathroom so I went into a store, but I went out the other door and explored the building. I found someone bleeding out and they had a gunshot wound to the chest. I told Bradford through the radio and he came back to check out the scene. We knew that he was the one who did it because he had blood on his hands. He started to run and Bradford said, "Go Boot, go."
I ran and jumped over the broken glass, I chased him down the road and tackled him. My TO pulled up and looked at me with disappointment, I put the suspect in the shop and we drove back to the station.
When we stepped out of the shop I said, "Why are you mad at me?" He replied with, "You said you were going to the bathroom, instead you snuck off and investigated the scene. If you lied about that little thing how do I know I can trust you?" I hesitating and then said, "I thought that if we investigated and nothing was there you would think I just waisted out time." "The only waist of time, boot, is training you, because all I found out today is that I can't trust you"

Tim Bradford POV::
I should never of trusted this boot. I'm very disappointed, but she will make the amount of boots who have failed under me go up to a whole dozen.

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