The Other Side

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Lucy Chen POV:
I woke up in a pitch black room and i was very dizzy. I stumbled as I tried to gather energy to get up, when I was finally able to get off the ground I tried to see where I was. But when I started to walk I fell down to the ground, I hit my head so hard.

I don't know when I woke up again but I did, I had to find out what pulled me down so I felt around my leg until I found chains on my ankle and it was bolted to the wall, I don't know how I didn't feel it before but I didn't.

I felt around the ground trying to find something I can use to get it off, until my finger touched something sharp, I flinched, but I put my hands back down and found it again. I wasn't sure what it was but it could help me. I felt around the cuff on my ankle trying to find a lock or something that could be holding it together, I found a small hole. I grabbed the sharp piece of metal and put it into the hole, I pushed it in and started to wiggle it but it didn't work. I took a deep breath and decided to try to pull the chain out of the wall, I traced the chain back until I hit the wall which was hard, I'm assuming it was stone, which was going to be hard to get out of unless the stone was crumbling.

I stood up and put my other foot on the wall I pulled as hard as possible yanking it over and over again, all my weight against this, but it wouldn't give. I felt it again trying to see if I could pull any pieces of stone out, I finally found a small edge, it was tiny, but it was something, I pulled at it and it broke away, "YES!!" I slapped my hand over my mouth quickly, hopefully whoever put me in this place didn't hear that, but in case they did I needed to get out quickly, I found more edges that I was able to pull off until I could start to feel more chain and it had a little more give.

I put my foot back on the wall and started to pull again, it finally gave and pulled out hard I fell back but I was able to get up again. My chain was loose!! Phew ok now I have a chance at getting out, I walked around the room.

It was a medium sized room with no windows, I found a door but it was metal and it wouldn't budge, I paced back and forth until I decided the only way to get out was to call attention to myself, if I can get someone in here I can escape so I started screaming and banging on the door with my chains, I kicked it and screamed at the top of my lungs, it felt like forever so I finally gave up I lied down I was so tired, the floor was not comfortable but I fell asleep anyways.

The next day

I have no clue what time it is. I have to get out today, I sat down trying to think of ideas until I heard the door creek, yes someone's coming I held my chains tight and stood next to the door, when it opened someone walked in and I squinted my eyes from the light, I swung my chain to hit their head, hoping it would knock them out, but they ducked, my eyes widened and I was full with fear as they turned around, "Oh, you didn't think it would be that easy, right?"

I hit the chain into his side and then tried to run but he grabbed my arm tightly and then stuck me with a needle, everything went blurry but I felt him let go of my arm so I started to run away but I found my self walking slowly and stumbling, I fell quickly and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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