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Lucy Chen POV:
We got called to another crime scene. Apparently there was a drug deal going on. We pulled up to the scene and Tim's eyes got soft I'm not sure why.

Tim Bradford POV:
When we pulled up I saw Isabelle, my wife, sitting on the ground. She didn't even recognize me. I said, "Isabelle, it's me." She looked at me trembling and started to run. I grabbed her arm and said, "It's me, Tim, your husband, do you not remember me?" She asked for money so I gave her what I had on me. Then she ran.

Lucy Chen POV:
I'm not sure who that was, but she's obviously close to Tim because why else would he give her money. I looked at him with worried eyes, and he looked back with a tough look on his face again. He said, "What are you looking at boot?" We got back in the shop and drove back to the station, I didn't say a word about what had happened.

Tim Bradford POV:
That was my wife, Isabelle, she's been out of my life for about a year now. She ran away because she got hooked on drugs. I never saw her again.

The next day

Chen packed up our stuff and we got in the shop. I hope she doesn't say anything about what happened yesterday.

Lucy Chen POV:
Tim was acting different today. We sat in the shop driving around LA silently. "Should we talk about what happened yesterday?" I asked.
"There's nothing to talk about boot."
"Who was she, the woman?"
"No one, quite frankly none of your business."
"Right I'm sorry... I just wanna know, talking about it helps."
"I don't need to talk about definitely not to some shrink's kid."
I sighed and looked away, "I won't tell anyone."
"I don't have any secrets you would have to hide."
"But I-"
Tim cut me off, "If you say one more word you're walking back to the station."
I went silent.

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