Ch 3 Lights, Camera, Vibe Check

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What would an American Spiritual Advisor wear to the set of a big-budget Vought propaganda film? If you guessed a crisp white blouse and enough crystal jewellery to sink a cruise ship, you'd be correct.

The clacking of layered necklaces and dangling earrings created the soundtrack to a long walk onto the set. Of course, Jess wasn't allowed to use the employee only car park so she grabbed an Uber as close as she could get and stomped the rest of the way. By the time she reached nearby the first security checkpoint, she had regretted her sartorial choices. 'Fucking Spiritual Advisor' she thought.

"Jessica?" a young voice interrupted her thoughts. A few yards from the checkpoint a plucky intern eagerly awaited her with a spare lanyard and a cup of coffee.

"Hello my dear, are you my guide today?" Jess completely switched into character. Somewhere in between TV psychics and wellness influencers, she created a warm, slightly mystical presence.

"I sure am, mam. It's lovely to meet you, I'm Chrissy. Mr Madison has asked for me to chaperone you today and I am totally at your disposal. If there is anything you need - absolutely anything - please don't hesitate to let me know how I can assist you." She just about took a breather before continuing "and may I say how much of an honour it is to be assisting one of Mr Madison's closest confidantes. Truly." Saying this she put her hand against her heart, still clutching the lanyard that Jess needed. Her voice was sincere, but the overwhelming dramatics of the American workplace added a hint of fakery.

Jess gave a warm smile and nodded towards the security lanyard.

"Oh my goodness, I'm such a doozy this morning. This is your clearance pass for the set, just don't lose it because they take it pretty seriously here." Chrissy cringed as she said it, suggesting she had found out the hard way.

The two of them shuffled through security and Chrissy lead the way to the main set. The fact that Phil had supplied her with an intern was both a blessing and a curse. She blended into the workplace easily with one, but it meant that her every move was watched by someone keen to prove their worth. Jess was used to working on tasks alone, even when reporting to superiors in her old job they would usually let her handle business in her own way. Now, she was stuck with a sidekick of sorts.

It was surprising to see just how big of a team worked on each film. The saying 'it takes a village' rang true. Jess gazed over the venue trying to spot Mr Madison.

"So, erm... if you don't mind me asking, do you think the set could be haunted? That's what I heard some of the makeup team saying and I guess that's why you're here." Chrissy sheepishly asked.

It took a moment for Jess to consider how she should play this question. Saying yes could cause further rumours that would either cover up or expose her investigation. She decided it was better to remain aloof.

"Sweet girl, I can promise you that you have angels watching over you. You have nothing to be afraid of on this set, in this life or the next." Jess answered while adjusting herself to look out for Phil. She could tell that the intern was only there to get noticed for a better position and decided that ' on set in this life or the next' would give her a little confidence boost and calm down her questioning for a while. "So where is Phil?" Jess asked.

"Oh, Mr Madison is usually a little late to set." She blushed a little. "I think he likes to have one on one time with cast members to ensure they start the day off in the correct frame of mind or something."

As she said that two costume-clad superheroes waltzed onto the set. "I didn't think they'd actually get the real heroes to act in the films," Jess remarked to her chaperone.

Chrissy laughed "You're joking right? No, they're far too busy saving the world. Although The Deep did pop by one time. I don't think the press team wanted him around set though for whatever reason! No, no, these are all just costumes. I'm pretty sure they green screen the faces on afterwards."

Before Jess had a chance to question whether or not that was possible, another Superhero walked past and she was struck by the accuracy in the outfits. You wouldn't think that Vought would let anyone but the official Seven wear the costumes but these were pretty much mirror replicas. The only thing that gave it away was the typical movie star glow. Each female actor had just an inch or so cut off their skirt. Shiny aspects were dulled to ensure the lighting didn't cause reflections. The biggest factor, of course, was each outfit's inability to prove useful in combat. A second glance would show that these costumes were made from cheap polyester and would likely snap during one showdown.

When Phil Madison finally entered on set and waltz towards his Director's chair, Jess scanned the room to see the reaction from his co-workers. Who was happy to see him? Who looked nervous? Which co-workers reacted the most to his appearance?

Due to his status, it was hard to find someone on set who didn't react to him finally turning up. The entire project revolved around him.

"Ok, everyone! I need phones off, eyes on me, we're not wasting time today. No retakes, no ego, no going off-script. This is not your improv workshop, I'm looking at you Lampshade." He called out as he shifted into his chair, surrounded by screens for him to inspect every scene as it was filmed.

Calling the Lamp Lighter actor Lampshade was simply the tip of the iceberg when it came to Phil's putdowns. Jess was here to find out if anyone had a motive to play havoc with his life, but it would be a harder task to find someone who didn't have a problem with him. However, this was the film industry and to a degree, most people on set were willing to put up with his attitude to stay within Vought's money-making media machine.

Chrissy stood to attention while Jess took in the vibe of the room. She was desperate to suck up to Mr Madison's mystery friend but there was simply no window for her to prove herself useful yet. Jess wanted to ask further questions of Chrissy, she'd been working on set for a while and liked to gossip with the makeup artists, so she might have some insight on the days that lead up to Phil's unwanted gift deliveries.

The once vibrant and bustling set was now hyper-focused on getting each scene perfect and that meant absolute silence on the set. However, it wasn't long until another of Phil's outburst cut the atmosphere.

"Cut, cut, cut, cut what the fuck is that?" Phil's voice pierced through the venue, interrupting the flow of everything.

As production stopped for him to lambast the costume department over a last-minute replacement costume for one of The Seven, Jess seized her moment to lead Chrissy away from the enforced silence. "I can see today is going to be a tough shoot, how about we catch a little break? I could do with brunch."

Chrissy's eye widened at the thought of going for brunch with someone from a Vought media executive's inner circle.

As they slinked away from set, they passed a group of panicking costume designers, bickering with one another. "Find the original fucking suit or you're fired." The employees looked burnout. This was obviously not the first time they'd been the target of one of Phil's verbal assaults.

"Chrissy, is it always such a bad vibe here?"

"Well, sort of. I don't want to sound disrespectful. I'm really grateful to be here I-" She was about to go off on a tangent about how she got the job but Jess cut her off as they walked to a nearby bistro.

"Chrissy, I must know the ins and the outs of this situation. You don't need to be afraid to say anything in front of me. I'm here to clear the energy. I cannot do that if I'm not aware of the toxic energy blockages on set." Jess went fully into her 'Spiritual Advisor' character. She wouldn't admit it, but Phil's idea of introducing herself in this manner was proving very useful. Asking Chrissy for her insight played into her ego perfectly and also allowed Jess to ask deeper questions about the many people Phil had offended whilst working for Vought.

They entered a nearby bistro and sat down. "My treat." Jess said and winked at Chrissy as she placed her card onto the table. She wasn't about to use the intern as a pawn and then have the audacity to make her pay for her own brunch.

The two sat for just over an hour and a half discussing the shady on-goings of Vought's media team. Once Chrissy started to gossip she struggled to stop, but there were missing parts of the puzzle where she claimed not to know the full details. Perhaps she was holding back, or she was genuinely too focused on progressing her own career to notice other people on set.

Few people genuinely liked working with Phil Madison, but most of the older and more experienced team members had learned that it was simply par for the course. That's mainly why Chrissy found herself gravitating to the makeup team, they were also the most likely to work on multiple projects at once so Chrissy was smart to latch on to people who could potentially find work for her on other films and TV series.

By the time they had finished and crept back on set, she could see the whole room with fresh eyes; The set designer, who worked 24hr straight only to be told his work wasn't needed, watched from afar. The sound engineer, who was screamed at for answering an emergency text, hunched over a desk. The actress who played Queen Maeve stared longingly at the employee lunch table leftovers, avoiding food after being told she looked fat in the costume during her first day on the job. All whilst everyone in the room marched to the beat of Phil's drum.

It would make the job a little more complicated knowing just how insufferable he was to work for. Although, this was exactly what Jess expected from Vought.

"Does the 'vibe' make sense now?" Chrissy asked.

"The picture is so much more clear." Jess remarked.

As the crew wrapped up another scene Phil let out an exasperated sigh. "Ok guys, let's take 5." He called out whilst slapping his script against his thigh and finally raising from his Director's seat.

It was as if the whole room had been holding their breath and they collectively all let go at once. They were overdue for a break.

Phil looked up and caught eyes with Jess. He instantly sprung into character, just as she did. "There she is!" He exclaimed whilst pointing directly at her and Chrissy. No team members reacted to his joy, they were all too tired of him to care by this point. He sauntered over and gave her an air kiss on the left and right. Jess played along.

"Phil! What an orchestra you lead!"

"Well, someone has to keep this place moving. Now tell me, have you settled in well? Have you picked up on... anything I should know about?" He struggled to ask questions without giving the game away. He was desperate for answers and it showed.

"Actually, Chrissy here has been a valuable asset in getting me up to speed," Jess explained while Chrissy beamed to the left of them, waiting in the wings for any further instruction. His face dropped slightly as he looked at her, wondering what she might know. "She's been invaluable, do you think I could borrow her for my week here," Jess asked as Chrissy examined Mr. Madison's reaction to her presence.

"Erm, splendid. Yes, yes I'm sure I can spare one runner this week. Remind me of your name again." He gestured towards Chrissy. He absolutely did remember her name from a few seconds ago but he just loved to burst everyone's bubbles around him.

Jess was certain that Chrissy would be of value, even if only to add credibility to her appearance in Phil's life. Word had leaked already about 'paranormal' happenings on set and Phil's stalker, so Chrissy could balance the gossip and keep suspicions to a minimum.

"Whilst you're here I must let you know I'll be attending a Vought fundraiser event this evening and I'd like you to be there." Phil had gotten so used to everyone bending to his will and doing as he said, he didn't think that Jess might need more than a moment's notice to prepare for such an occasion. Yet, he was her employer and she couldn't decline.

She could negotiate though.

"Wonderful! And that means that dearest Chrissy will be coming along too? Yes?" Jess grinned at Phil like the Cheshire Cat, knowing he didn't want to do any favours for the intern. Chrissy's jaw dropped slightly at the thought of mingling with top Vought executives and donors. Phil's face on the other hand struggled to remain in friendly character.

"Of course, I'm sure I can extend the invite just that little further." He replied through gritted teeth.

Chrissy could barely contain her excitement as her eyebrows raised and she clutched her lanyard. As soon as Phil was out of earshot she let out a slight squeal.

"So are we going to, like, vibe check everyone?" She asked.

"Oh God no, you're not working. You're just being paid to hang out with me." Jess laughed. "I'll see you at 8, I guess! Here's my card. Text me when you're on the way there and we can go in together."

As she walked away Chrissy beamed with excitement. Jess could only hope that she made the right call and that she would prove useful after all.

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