Ch 28 Crooked Halo

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Jess clutched a comforting mug of tea whilst considering her next move. Like a glowing orb, the herbal heat seeped into her hands easing every stressed muscle to a state of relaxation.

Leaning against the kitchen countertop, she looked out towards her desk in the parallel living space. Research pertaining to Phil's case had taken over her desk. Papers and post-it notes spilt onto the floor. No real estate remained for her Homelander theories, the bulk of which remained on the corkboard propped against the wall.

The sight fuelled more intrusive thoughts to rise up. She came to America to find out the truth for Samorn, now she was completely side-tracked. Mental anguish had left her exhausted.

Looking into the black tea as it swirled around her cup, Jess tried to stop herself from freezing up with anxiety. Shame had completely enveloped her motivation to move in any direction. Worse case scenarios played out in her mind, telling her that every option was a bad one.

When things became overwhelming it was always an uphill battle to move forward, but this situation felt particularly paralysing.

Truth be told, she felt like packing her suitcase again. It still lay dormant in her bedroom.

Begging for adventure.

Begging to run away.

It was too late now though, she'd gone in too deep and too much was at stake.

Bailing on The Agency when they were already short-staffed would potentially muddy her professional record. She also wanted to find a better career move for Chrissy after guiding her into Nathan A Lawson's embrace.

Phil's words echoed in her mind whenever she thought about Chrissy. Jess was desperate to undo the way she had used the intern to access Nathan's emails.

The way she had been used as bait.

Steam rising from the hot cup stroked her chin and cheeks, a welcome act of sympathy from the universe. Jess closed her eyes and let the feeling continue until the rumble of an incoming text interrupted her moment of zen.

"Hey, you ok? I really need to see you tonight. It's really important. Can we meet? It's about Phil. Please get back to me asap."

Jess welcomed Chrissy's text, though the tone of it was cause for concern.

Despite this, Jess incorrectly assumed Chrissy was simply texting her to make her aware of Phil's absence on set. After the night they'd had, it was to be expected. He would no doubt stay in the hotel bedroom until a friend coaxed him out into the open.

Consumed by guilt, Jess would agree to anything Chrissy suggested. Her warm hands instantly fired back a text agreeing to meet at whatever time suited Chrissy. She left her evening open without a second thought, feeling as if like she owed Chrissy the reassurance.

Action began to quell anxiety, once again. Knowing that the two of them could meet put her mind at ease slightly. It gave her direction. She wasn't sure how to convince Chrissy to stay away from Nathan, but she had to try.

Whilst waiting for Chrissy to confirm a time, Jess scrolled through the gossip sites to try and fill in the gaps from Phil's event. She still had no idea why he originally called her for help or how he got locked in a public bathroom.

Seeking a hint of truth, she delved back into the Vought fan forums to see what was being reported.

AnnwantsaHalo: Did anyone hear about the Phil Madison event last night? (link attached)

TeenageKix4ever: OMG! He looks off his nut on those images.

VCUfangirl: Ugh, we're never going to get a final cut of Dawn of the Seven.

WannabeSupe: I don't understand how Vought can continue to let people embarrass them like this. If a hero behaved like this, they'd be given the boot.

GekosLostArm: I feel bad for him. It's a shame when fame and money turns people.

Annwantsahalo: @GekosLostArm I personally can't feel sorry for someone who has had chance after chance, yet continues to be the worst version of themselves.

Public opinion was turning against Phil. Photos flooded the forums of celebrities, influencers and Vought personnel attending Phil's event. The glittering guest list only drew attention to his own antics, but there was one user in particular who stood out to Jess.


They had popped up several times, with plenty of criticism to share.

Knocking back the last mouthful of her tea, Jess stepped towards the fridge and rearranged the colourful magnetic letters into the username. The word stared back at her. Who was behind the pseudonym?

Her phone rumbled against the kitchen counter. She eagerly reached for it, hoping to hear something enthusiastic from Chrissy.

The message read: "I finish at 7pm, can you meet me at the cafe opposite the main studios?"

"Absolutely!" Jess shot back instantly, eager to prove to herself that Chrissy was not just a pawn.

As she settled the phone back down on the countertop, she realised her mistake. Peering back at her from the wall above her desk space, was the second polaroid that Black Noir had left. The hectic events of her night with Phil had completely clouded her mind.

She'd forgotten that the date on the back of the polaroid required her to be deep in the heart of the city, 7pm, the same day and time Chrissy needed her.

And now she would either have to bail on Chrissy or risk disappointing a psychopathic superhero.

And now she would either have to bail on Chrissy or risk disappointing a psychopathic superhero

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