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Aria was the last lover of Edward Cullen, when Bella arrived in Forks, Aria was visiting her friends in New York and as soon as Rosalie saw that her so called brother was playing with poor Aria's feelings she contacted her best friend and told her everything that has happened including what she brought upon the family at the baseball match. Aria heartbroken stayed with her friends in New York and helped them with a new red headed Shadowhunter and her newly turned best friend. After some time Aria decided it was a good thing to travel somewhere else and suggested that her friends need some vacation from demon hunting and mortal instruments finding. And so the group consisting of Magnus, Alec, Jace, Clary, Simon and Isabelle left to meet some friends of Magnus's. The group ended up in Mystic Falls where they stayed for three weeks ,with The Mikaelsons Magnus's friends for decades, after the weeks were over the Shadowhunters had to leave. But Aria did not want to return home and she stayed for some more time with the original family and ended up befriending them and having a special connection to two of them and as it turns out that was a soulmate bond between the psychotic maniac and the big bad hybrid, later on Aria meet the Scooby Doo gang and she wasn't happy that Elena was leading on Stefan and Damon, but she was happily surprised when Stefan saw her true colors and came to her, his soulmate. 

From that moment on Elena saw that Stefan had "given" up on her and made it her mission to get him back, that never happened and as far as it goes Elena tried to get rid of Aria and that didn't work out as her mates were with her every second of the day. Some time passed and Aria still kept in touch but with the people she was closest to meaning Rosalie Emmet and Jasper, they talked frequently as any sibling would, as soon as she found out what had happened at Bella's birthday she invited them to Mystic Falls and they accepted the arrival of the Cullen siblings was nothing special a welcome party and that was it but the moment Jasper had stepped a foot in the Mikaelson mansion and saw Rebekah he was a goner, he knew that Alice wasn't his soulmate but he chose to ignore it and now that he found her, he wasn't letting her go. 

The Mikaelson brothers accepted Jasper as a lover for their sister and they soon found things they had in common like cars and war tactics, the Cullens stayed with the Mikaelsons until they got a call from Carlisle telling them they are moving back to Forks, Jasper wasn't about to leave his soulmate here so he ignored his clan leader request, as for Rosalie and Emmet they said that they had to see what other trouble the human would bring. Aria had been in contact with the Shadowhunters as well but they didn't have anything big going on as they said. Time passed and in that time Aria found out some pretty big news, she was pregnant and the only thing that went through her mind was how, now it wasn't exactly a bad thing but she didn't understand and then it hit her, Klaus wasn't only a vampire he was also a werewolf and as she was an immortal, that was possible. And so Aria had to tell her mates that she was pregnant and oh dear what chaos that sparked.

 They were happy but also shocked as they were sure they couldn't have children of their own but the miracle child in Aria's womb was the proof, the news spread like wildfire among the supernatural Klaus Mikaelson had a soulmate and a child on the way of course they also heard who was his mate and among the supernatural Aria was known as the devil's daughter, not that it wasn't true anyway. Since this was a supernatural pregnancy it went a lot faster as the baby was rapidly growing so instead of nine months the little miracle baby was there in four and half. They had a beautiful baby daughter that they named Hope Andrea Mikaelson, it wasn't to long after they found two boys on their doorstep, and as the big hearted person Aria is she took them in, the two babies were officially Stiles Mikaelson Salvatore and Theo Mikaelson Salvatore, the three babies were the same ages as it seams so they simply said they were triplets .

 A few week after that Jasper got a call from Rosalie saying that because of Bella there was a army of newborns heading to forks, Jasper at first refused to head back to Forks but after much convincing from his mate that family is above all he went to help but as he said 'I'll do this for Rose and Emmet because they don't deserve this'. And so he packed what he needed and headed to Forks.

Meanwhile the Shadowhunters in New York needed some help finding Valentine as he currently had the cup the sword and he found the mirror or lake if you'd prefer. Aria tried helping as much as she could but it was no use as the energy was that of an angel and she was Lucifer's daughter and their magic clashed. They succeeded in killing Valentine and "saving" Jace as Clary called it but Aria knew that she asked the angel to bring him back because she felt his energy disappear and then come back but it was heavier then before, it was darker and Aria had no idea why. 

In Forks the battle ended and no harm came to Rose Emmet or Jasper but that can't be said for the rest of the family it wasn't much of a physical injury as it was emotionally, Alice had no idea that Jasper had found his mate and as soon as he saw that she didn't pay attention to her she knew that it was over. And so Jasper came back to his mate and saw baby Hope in his arms and if he was still human he would have fainted but he kept his composure and asked who's baby it was as soon as Aria heard her brother she ran to him.

'Jas this is your goddaughter Hope' as Jasper heard that he swore he would have cried if he could. And so the family lived in peace until Rose called saying that Bella was pregnant and that she gave birth last night to a daughter and named her Reneesme, of course the two congratulated Edward on his newly born daughter but they didn't really want anything to do with them anymore, Rosalie fully understood and said her congratulations for baby Hope who at the moment was having a nap with her father.

 Some time passed and Kol, Klaus and Stefan officially married Aria of course each had a different wedding and only a handful of people were invited but it was beautiful nonetheless. Aria again got a call but this time from her ex lover saying he needed help because the Volturi were coming for them Aria at first didn't agree on coming as she had her daughter to take care of but after much talking with her mates and brother they agreed to travel all the way to Forks to help them.

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A/N: I'm sorry if you find any mistakes English isn't my first language but I'll try to make as few mistakes as possible.  

Aria Mikaelson SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now